Here's my beloved nephew, Jeremy, when he was a wee 1.5 year old babe in July, 2008. Elmo and Jeremy are waving (Elmo, his hand, and Jeremy, the flag), reminding us to remember what's important this Memorial Day.
Welcome, My Sillies! Together we'll uncover morsels of sweetness in the light and dark. You'll crave chocolate. I'm a naughty influence. {Note: I avoid Hershey's but partake in regular fixes of fair trade and organic varieties.} Please enjoy a ravenous sampling, and may you fast become addicted. Cheers to all things sweet. That, Dear Sillies, includes you.
Can you imagine doing the walk of shame from Baghdad? That’s like a really bad episode of the dating game, except without the long microphone. That socially inept guy is more of a milk dud with Asperger syndrome. It’s clear he’s an alien. Oh dear. So, for you, size DOES matter? None can compare to mine. I’d like to smack him for giving guys a bad name. Brutal x2. What happened to old fashioned wooing? He’s a dragonslayer, you know. Remind him of the Fatty Arbuckle scandal. He’s a Class A gumboil. Stamp “Stupid” on his forehead. It looks sexy on men. I wanna scream for you, Woman Superior. Did someone say M&M’s? You sussed him out, looking intently at the area of my forehead. Those d-bags with zero charm and charisma all seem to bank at the same Nigerian bank. If you can’t pay, then the date never happened. I’d buy you a muffin. Those losers sure know how to make a great first impression. Nothing is worse. I’m not going out with chicks with giant foreheads. Ew! Ew! Ew! At least Don Juan in the coffee shop has been laughing all through this nightmare. My summer needs to get more exciting. Are you sure he wasn’t suggesting S&M’s? I wanna scream for you. So dumb. I’m hating your hilarious and horribly tragic perils of on-line dating. Haha. Big smiles here.