InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not Just Another Pretty Face

Dear Friends,

I hope this new visual compensates for any less appealing scenes you might be trying to obliterate for all time (e.g., scantily clad but frightening looking nuns hosting an awards show).

I had a very exciting week and can't stop smiling. You'd think I won a year's -or even day's- worth of chocolate. Not quite that exciting. In the midst of the awards rehearsals, though, I received 3 Kick Ass Blogger awards, one from Lisa Marie. We all know and love Lisa for her combined wit plus heart. She's strong in both areas. Lawrence, the Dudemangamer, bestowed the second. Lawrence is young and new in the blogosphere. He writes with soul and purpose. Check out his site. It's well worth a read. My friend, Sarah Landry, was a third bestower. Sarah views the world with lighthearted humor. Her writing's always a treat.

That's all I'm doing with these awards. I'm taking a chance with my life, I realize. It feels one of those chain letters, "Send this to 12 of your closest girlfriends within 2.5 minutes or you'll be struck by lightening." Not that I don't appreciate the recognition. I really do. After all, this blogging gig doesn't pay so well. We've gotta keep each other propped up. But I just don't have it in me to find 8 more folks you don't already know about.

Back to the photo atop, did you notice the name under it? Hint: It's mine. I came home on Monday night to a few copies of the magazine that I was published in, Being Single! I opened to page 22, and, lo and behold, what a steamin' hot babe!

It's a very respectable magazine with a Christian, "sisterly" slant. Nonetheless, wonderful Publisher Bonita Bennett chose to print this Jewish White gal's work. (The Kissed That Saved My Life and The Unforgettable Dating Moment). They took out a "damn" or two, left one "dude" and replaced the other "dudes" with "guys," and tweaked the titles and endings. Otherwise, my writing is untouched. And look at that photo. You need a fire extinguisher to put that Robyn out. Doesn't the picture look fabulous?! I'm still walking on air. If this doesn't get me dates, I don't know what will.

Hint: The photo isn't me.
Hint #2: My fingernail polish is a dull pink, not clear.

Truth be told, I'm not just another pretty face.



  1. That's amazing! Congratulations!

  2. Looking Classy :D Way to GO Robyn!

  3. That is fantastic! Congrats, Robyn. You write with candid humor and it deserves to be awarded!!

  4. That is totally awesome! Congratulations!

  5. Another Jewish Christian connection. Nice. Congrats on the awards. FYI...I added your link to my page.

  6. Thanks everyone! Your support and virtual friendship mean a lot, and your writing keeps me going with my own.
    Dark chocolate kisses,

  7. Congratulation! That is fantastic news :)

    Kate xx

  8. You keep feeding me straight lines. But I don't have the heart to use them. Congrats young sister.

  9. Well done. Totally deserved.

    Check out my latest post - I finally bedded a girl. Sort of.

  10. That's great! Always feels good to have someone appreciate your writing :)

  11. Go Robyn! Go Robyn!

    Just don't forget about us on your path to success!

    Rapunzel x

  12. ..but, you ARE a "pretty face"!

  13. Aah shucks, Blase. But I'm not just another one. xo

    You are ALL so sweet and supportive. I think I'll replace you with my real life friends and family. They won't notice. They still think that's me in the picture. (Tanning booths are big around here.)

    Dark chocolate kisses all around,

  14. Your comment comparing chain letters to blog awards to pass on was very funny. You are a great blog to read! You deserve awards.

    Best regards,
    Tom Bailey

  15. Yes you do deserve them! By the way, I liked the other pics!! :P

  16. Congrats on the award and the published work...even if you had to sacrifice a "dude" or two "damns". =)

  17. Thank you, thank you, thank many people to mention, but I'm being cut off and the audience is distracted. Meryll Streep's about to smooch me, Kayne West is about to grab my trophy, and Angelina and her brother are making out in the corner of the room - !

    BTW I meant that I'd like to replace my real life friends and family by - not with - you. You are a very cool bunch of folks!

    Milk chocolate kisses this time (they're the best!),

  18. Oh, she looks just like me. Yeah right!
    Congratulations Robyn!!!

  19. Actually, you do kind of look alike, DDG!
    :) Cheers,
