InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, February 3, 2025

February and My Annual Anti-Valentine's Day Contest

Dear Sillies,

February's here. My dear loyals know what this means. Yep, we love to hate the Valentine's Hallmark Hershey commercial and all-out nauseating complex for singles everywhere, because that's exactly what we need, an added complex. Yeesh!

This year's challenge is to keep it short. Submit an anti-Valentine's Day slogan in 10 or fewer words. You'll vote on the winner. I'll decide from there. (I might need to consult with HRH.) See in the past, you've been so generous as to forgo the prize because you felt undeserving or won previously...So I'll figure out an appropriate means to pay tribute to the most loving hateful submission/s.

And, go...


  1. That one really gained momentum.
    My slogan - You just suck!

  2. You can't buy love... hey, wait!

  3. Great poem. I love this contest time - you have very clever (albeit vicious ) friends. You inspire us all.

    (I admit to being married...but we are currently a very divided household. Big sigh if you marry a Texan. Yes, I'll accept pity. The struggle is real)

    My entry: You are not worth a cheap crappy melted Hershey Kiss

    Hugs to you dear Robyn for uniting us all in these difficult times.

    1. Thanks so much, Joanne. I appreciate your entry and sentiment.

  4. Brilliant poem, Robyn! 😆 A favourite anti-Valentine's Day slogan:
    "One day in February isn't special, but YOU are!"

  5. Roses are pink
    Who cares! You're a soul sucking fink.

  6. Here's my anti-valentines, anti-fairy-tale-BS slogan:
    "No more effen glass slippers!"

    1. Excellent, Debra SWS. Oh no, who let the cat out below? I mean, HRH is always welcome here. I see that she's graced us with her presence.

  7. Robyn, my DEAR strumpet, as you know I am a WORLD RENOWNED POET. I do NOT produce (*shudder*) SLOGANS. Therefore, I have written for you and your contest a nine-word POEM OF GENIUS for consideration. Here it is --

    I catfish U.
    U catfish me.
    True ♥︎ Romance!

    1. Well, TECHNICALLY it's an eight-word-one-symbol POEM OF GENIUS, but let's not get ANAL RETENTIVE about this, shall we? I get ENOUGH of that nonsense from my human.

    2. Sweetie, my apologies for suggesting you'd ever produce a slogan. Certainly not. I quite like your poetic contribution. It's relevant to the times, and the heart symbol's a lovely addition. Between you and me, hon, I don't do anal. No worries. Cheers. Thank you for stopping by and for your entry of GENIUS.

  8. These are fabulous, Sillies. I'll soon post the "ballot" with all entries. Thank you, sweets.
