InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Courage and Dr. Martin Luther King

Dear Sillies,

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and that's all. Right? Nothing else's happening today. Nothing worthy of note. (But why, friends, why are people shocked that Snoop Dogg is performing? When did Snoop convey an Eagle Scout vibe?) 

Anyway, let's remember the heroism of this remarkable man whose actions and courage transcend space and time. It's imperative that we continue the fight for equal treatment for all humankind. 

Sometime in the 1990s, I sat in a big auditorium listening to a moving speech by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King's then widow. I couldn't have felt more directly connected to the Reverend's teachings.

Coretta would pass in 2006, outliving King by 38 years.

As overwhelmingly distressful as things may seem now, there's always reason for hope. 

A hopeful, brave week to you!

Hope Quotes


Extending the dance 
When you’ve long lost your groove
Swimming to shore too frail to move.

Stepping towards light, when darkness abounds
Permitting a laugh amid no other sounds.

Confronting a beast no one should endure
It strikes with no warning, no reprieve and no cure.
Snuggling with hope, when the pain you can’t bare
Unveiling your heart in the face of despair.

Conveying a smile, when you’d much rather cry
Speaking the truth though it’s safer to lie.

Taking a stance, when integrity’s lost
Forcing what’s right in spite of the cost. 

Holding to faith in your value and worth
Maintaining a grace that softens the earth.

Passing with ease
As you air your last breath
A hero whose soul
Transcends life
and death.
                                     by me, Robyn Alana Engel


  1. That's an excellent poem, Robyn. I know Carrie Underwood is singing tomorrow, but you're joking about Snoop Dogg, aren't you? Are he and Martha performing an inaugural duet?


    1. Thank you.
      Oh no, honey. It's TRUE, from what I understand. I don't like Carrie Underwood. Martha's been a Democrat. Snoop? I mean, his song lyrics are beyond raunchy. I wonder if she'll be cheering him on. Avoid the TV. That's all I gotta say.
      Love you.

    2. PS Snoop did not perform at the Inauguration but did perform at a pre-Inauguration party. He's still getting backlash for this too. My folks reached out to Martha Stewart for comment but she has yet to respond. ;-)

    3. You know how Martha is. I don't think you'll get a response during this century. I'm like Michelle Obama. I boycotted the inauguration.

  2. Hope is a fragile essential. Hang on to it, as I am. Tightly.

    1. A "fragile essential," I like that. It takes concerted effort to find and hold. Doesn't it? We've got this, EC.

  3. There is hope and then there is realism. The light of hope is pretty dull right now.

    1. Well that's a choice. I'm not taking that route today, which is my reason for this post.

  4. Something to give us hope right ? I have a similar post for today coming up. A shame the inauguration shares the day with the likes of this great man, with this horse and pony show. More then ever do Dr Kings words ring true.

  5. What a perfect poem for today -- Happy MLK Day, Robyn!

    1. Thank you, Debra SWS. Happy MLK Day to you too, even if it's not recognized in the Great White North. (Is it? I'm not sure.)

  6. It's a shame MLK's Day is today, seems just wrong that someone with his courage and honesty has to share the day with likes of the orange blob. I won't be watching, can't bring myself to watch the spectacle. Shame on everyone who performs for the event IMHO. We'll only have the tv on tonight when our Buckeyes take on The Fighting Irish for the National Football Championship. I'm also sad that the flags are being raised for sh show, as Jimmy Carter was a truly great man who gave so much for so long and raising the flag because the orange one can't stand for someone else to have the limelight that he thinks he's entitled to. They should remain at half staff for Jimmy and for MLK, IMHO
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thank you, Sandy. I agree with all of that.
      Well wishes to you and yours.

  7. We are definitely going to have to be brave this week when the orange menace starts his reign of terror.

    1. Be brave. Stay brave. Be the light. Resist and fight. Hey, I made a rhyme. Cheers, Mike.

  8. hey you - lovely poem. It's been a whipsaw week. So much to fear, so many reasons to sigh. But - I have to take your words to heart and hope for HOPE. And "we" the not orange half have to strive to keep democracy alive.
    Deep breath and I hope your week ahead is a good one.

  9. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds, and hoping you're doing well.
