InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Chico's Historic Bidwell Mansion Fire

Dear Sillies,

How are you? 

While I'm grateful to feel well loved and supported, I'm shocked and heart-achy. You might've seen on the news that Chico's Historic Bidwell Mansion went up in flames in the early morning hours of 12/11/24. (Even my friend in Australia, Anthony J. Langford, saw this news.) The Mansion was our city's heart, 150+ years old, visited by folks the world over, and housed mostly authentic artifacts -- nearly all ravaged. 

One of my biggest honors has been portraying Annie Bidwell at community events for the past eight years. Thus, this tragedy punctures my heart as it does for so many. Nobody was hurt, and we'll persevere. What's lost is beyond precious. 

What we retain, though, even more precious, especially now.

me as Annie in the Mansion, 12/2017

one of many 

Please stay safe and be well, my loves.


  1. So sorry to hear of that news. I hadn't heard about it....surprising since I love old mansions and architecture. Glad you still have the memories...great pictures! Will they rebuild or will it be demolished now?

    1. Thank you, sweetie. You'd have loved the Mansion.
      No decision made on what happens next, though funds are being collected. It will need to be demolished regardless. Sadly.

  2. A great tragedy. Like losing a family member I am sure.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate it. It was much more than just a building, yes.

  3. Oh that is horrific and I just hope some pieces were out of the house because it was in the midst of being restored, from what I read. I just hope it wasn't arson...I don't trust when I hear it was under restoration.

    1. Sigh. Birgit, there seems to have been neglect for following protocol. Nothing was removed before the work. I can't imagine the value of what was lost - life-sized portrait of John Bidwell, Annie's wedding dress, photos of former Presidents who stayed there...too much. Yeah, it was more accessible because of the work being done. )=

  4. Such terrible, awful news! The photo of you in front of the smoking ruins is so poignant. What a treasure trove of historical items has been lost. My condolences to you and everyone in Chico!

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. I know you know this catastrophe. It's become all too common.
      Appreciate your loving support.

  5. So awful and such a loss for the community.

    1. Yes, and our City is hearing from hundreds of former students who are living all over the world. It housed students for years before Chico State added student housing. Thanks.

  6. Replies
    1. Just like that - from one day to the next. Yes. Sobering and tragic.

  7. That first picture of you is a great picture. You need to use it in any official correspondence that needs a picture.

    1. I do like that one. My hair turned out just right with that curl in the middle. Thanks, Mike.

  8. That is so sad! And right before Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Diane. Yeah, Xmas tended to be the most fun at the Mansion. I've wonderful memories. Wish I had more pictures.

  9. I am so sorry to hear about the fire (through Facebook). I remember you playing her during the holidays. And isn't the Presbyterian Church in Chico the Bidwell Memorial?

    1. You're right, Jeff. It's the Bidwell Presbyterian Church. It borders the campus and is/was a quick walk from the Mansion. No worries about that or the surroundings, which is why it appears to have been a targeted attack.

  10. Oh no! How sad. I love history and historic buildings. What a true shame that happened. I can see why you're upset.
    Sandy's Space

    1. It was the city's focal point, and too many authentic artifacts were lost.
      Thank you for your words of support.

  11. Yes, we saw it here. Just terrible. So sorry for all the people it affected. Brutal. Terrible time of the year too.

  12. I commented on your FB post. So sorry to lose a piece of history like that. But I hope that somehow, those of you who portrayed the Bidwells can still give them their due on special city occasions. Big hug, my friend.

    1. I hope so too, Joanne. I have a feeling we will - just sorting through the many levels of grief for now. And gearing up for the holidays.
      Thank you.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about the devastating fire at Bidwell Mansion. It's heartbreaking to lose such an important piece of history and a place that holds so many memories. Your portrayal of Annie Bidwell and the connection you have to the Mansion makes this loss even more personal. It's a difficult time, but I'm glad no one was hurt, and I hope the community can come together to find strength and healing. Thinking of you and everyone affected by this tragedy.

    1. I appreciate your very warm sentiment, Lux.
      Love and blessings to you.
