InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Defeat, Despair, Unity

My Dear Silly Bloggies,

Rather than ignore the obvious, I'm sharing what I shared on my facebook page in the early morn hours of 11/6.

Those of you who are on the other side of politics have been quiet here, and I appreciate it. I'd have dropped you if I believed you to be a hateful soul. You're not. Nor are the 66 MILLION who voted for the frumpy grumpy felon who's the color of a melon. MAGA aligns so tightly with White supremacy, though; there's absolutely a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, etc. element that is NOW at the helm. But I won't have that here. (Sometimes the most and least we can do is set limits to protect our little spaces of earth and/or the internet.)
Oy, I'm just typing. I couldn't sleep. Nor could I stop crying. Not sure what to say. Well, I do know. You're not, we're not, alone. Far from that. 63 MILLION of us voted for the side of reason, compassion, joy, justice. What an incredibly powerful, inspiring, brilliant and witty duo Kamala and Tim made/make. The new regime can't erase this. We'd serve ourselves and the world best to absorb and lead by their example. That hope we felt and tasted as soon as Kamala zipped out the starting gate, that's as real as it gets. Unifying. Energizing and beautiful. We'll need to keep hold of that energy, to fuel the fights (for justice) that await.
I'm naive, I know, yet I still believe in a sort of universal balance. Love is the glue. Karma is real. And sometimes when the bigger picture looks disparaging, it's helpful to either broaden or narrow it.
The pendulum will swing back, as it does. Meanwhile, our city has added some phenomenal progressive voices, and there are some silver linings in the national scene as well - like Kari Lake's big loss. A fair number of states, I believe, have now legalized a female's rights to bodily autonomy. Many other positives too, but I was too anxious to retain that info. From a grander perspective too, much of the world is with us. As Kamala pointed out, they believe he’s a disgrace. Reason does pervade.
I’ve written too much, still not knowing what to say. But hey, we’ll see a new day tomorrow. We’ll survive by keeping each other close in reality and/or spirit. Together.
I love you.


  1. HUGE hugs. Hurting for you, hurting with you.

  2. The fundamental process of government will change with his crushing victory, however, and that is going to be a real problem.

    1. Yes. But staying stuck in that darkness only helps spread darkness. We really do have choices to make, actions to take, however limited. The other option is to entirely give up and give in.

  3. An appropriate time to remember the words of the Irish poet, Thomas Moore --

    “Fight on my men,"says Sir Andrew Barton,
    I am hurt, but I am not slain;
    I'll lay me down and bleed a-while,
    And then I'll rise and fight again".”

  4. Shocking that most Americans voted for this horrible man! 🤯 My sympathies to you, Robyn, and everyone else who supported Kamala. 💖 May these four years pass quickly and without serious consequences. Those of us north of your border are equally worried! 😬

    1. Thank you. It affects the whole world and is very frightening. Love to you in the great White North.
      Also, I tried to do some calculations but I have no idea how much of our population are of voting age. Bottom line, though, most Americans didn't vote. There's a great amount of passive helplessness working against us too.

  5. On behalf of the other side, thank you for your tried and true compliments. They're much appreciated.

  6. Don't worry. It'll be okay.

    "Sometimes the most and least we can do is set limits to protect our little spaces of earth and/or the internet."

    Wise words. I have had to learn this myself too. I can't watch everything, read everything, or wallow in anything.

    1. Yeah, people like to attack me/you viciously for dropping or blocking someone, as if we're supposed to receive everyone's hate and anger whenever we make our voices heard. Eff that. I'm using whatever I have available to keep my space safe. Thank you, Sandi.

  7. That's why I never talk about that stuff online.
    It will be all right. It was fine his first four years, it will be fine these next four.

  8. Time to start a countdown clock for Jan 20th, 2029.

  9. The orange buffoon will try his best to muck things up, but you guys got through the first 4 years, so hopefully next 4 will be fine too with that idiot. I have my doubts if he has enough brain cells left to last 4 years. Not that he had much to begin with. I just cringe thinking about listening to the whiny little cry baby go on and on again when he doesn't get his own way on things.

    1. It's beyond disturbing and cringe-worthy, every minute of it. Thanks for your support, Pat, from the great White North.

  10. Big hug and a sigh. I'm with you (and I'm stuck in Texas- that's an ugh). We'll carry on and do what we can to be kind in our worlds. While we can't understand half, they can't understand us. We'll just have to do our part day by day. Hang in there girlie!

    1. Day by day. Thanks for the caring sentiment and virtual hug, Joanne. Backatcha, my friend.

  11. I missed this probably due to our fence and bow being sick. Yesterday, I was looking at the magazines and there was Rump on the cover looking like he needs a bitch slap so I turned the magazine around only to show him from behind and his name In lights. I took the front of a copy of the magazine and covered the T so it just read...Rump. still bothered that his face and name showed on the front cover, I took a different magazine, covered the P and the T so it tr
    It read Resident Rump. I left satisfied.
