InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, May 6, 2024

May Pole Erotica

My Dear Sillies,

It's May. You know that, and I hope you know that I always wish you well.

Will let this one express the rest. 

Wait, how did HRH get into my collage, She Who Seeks? 


  1. I'm in your collage because I know EVERYBODY

    1. . . . DON'T TRY TO CUT ME OFF, HUMAN! . . . as I was saying, I know EVERYBODY and because I am such a HUGE CELEBRITY MYSELF, they ALL want their photo taken with MOI. Just be FLATTERED that I have GRACED your collage for this BAWDY poem!

    2. I'm just glad I could meet your pay requirement, sweets. It took a lot of hard work over many several years. Despite your busy schedule and so many pulling on you for your time, it was an honor, HRH. Kisses.

  2. I wouldn't want to head plant TOO hard.

  3. Sorry, Robyn, I did what I could but she is absolutely out of control all the time. I'll do my best to keep her from sneaking into any future collages, but I can't guarantee anything.

    1. Oh I know, Debra. Do note that I never blame you. She's utterly uncontrollable. But a little royal pussy never hurt anyone, am I right?

  4. Did my comment go to spam? Blessed blogger often does that.

  5. Always blame the French.
    Great use of the Star Trek people in the collage! I certainly know them all.

    1. It really is that easy, right, Alex? That is, blame the French.
      Ha. Thank you, wise Ninja.

  6. Replies
    1. Heehee. This one's a bit more naughty than the rest because I had a "pole" to work with from the get-go, Diane. The erotica practically nails itself. Smiles.

  7. Well this was certainly an eye-opener for my re-emergence/re-aquaintence with this stuff!
