InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Valentine's Day Hate Contest Ballot

Hi, My Dear Sillies,


Not unlike our national ballot's looking, the choices are limited. What happened, my friends? You got shy. I know that many of you, including HRH, had won in the past. That should not be a reason for opting out, though. I know, haikus aren't easy. Thought we'd try something different. (Note that one of the following does follow the rules for a "proper" haiku. Yet we know I'm not always proper.) 

You have two good choices. I might need help understanding Mike's use of numbers. Math isn't my specialty. Wink.

Please VOTE, VOTE, VOTE but only once. Celebrate all the love that abounds. ALL of it, not that sticky sweet sappy money-making Hallmark fantasy stuff. The real love that keeps us afloat and starts inside. Woohoo!

On that note, I love you.

Vote please. 


Roses are nice,
Violets are fine,
I’ll be the six,
If you be the nine. Haiku!



Haiku :
Slurped some bad oysters
Conjured past V dates with you
Washed down with champagne

Special thanks for my friends, Mike and Joanne, for entering!

Eat good chocolate any and/or every day. Just don't purchase the cheap stuff, not ever, especially not on Valentine's Day.


  1. I'll vote the first one, since that one has its tongue planted so firmly in cheek that only someone who suffers from naivete will not get it.

  2. Sorry to let you down, Robyn! Since both HRH and I have won in past years, we leave the field open for others to claim the prize. Also, it avoids civil war between that touchy narcissist cat and me if I win and she doesn't.

    Although I like Joanne's slurping imagery, I'm afraid my vote this year must go to Mike that horny old goat.

  3. Unlike SOME people who DELIGHT in rolling around in the GUTTER, I am and always have been a CLASSY poet myself, just like the HIGH-TONED and UPSCALE Joanne, so I am voting for her ELEGANT submission.

    1. Thank you for gracing us with your presence and vote, HRH.

  4. I'm sorry I wasn't paying enough attention to my most-hated holiday and missed out on the opportunity to enter. I vote for Mike, although I have no idea what the six and nine could possibly mean.


  5. It would be completely selfish to vote for myself. I'm SO modest. Dang, Mike made me laugh. 69 is my fave number. Yea for him. But I love the Royal Highness. Such impeccable good taste.
    Happy Un-Valentine's to All on Wednesday. Hugs!

  6. Please take your "I voted" stickers. Thank you. Polls will be open through 2/13. Love you, sillies.

  7. I need to be nice and vote for Joanne. And who ever wins, Joanne and I can get together with Robyn and "discuss" our "Haiku's".

  8. I so love you, my Sillies. Okay, go about your business. Polls remain open for hours. Woohoo!

  9. I'll go with Mike for I have had bad oysters and don't ever want to think about that again.

  10. I mentioned you today in my blog. I missed this special Valentine’s post. Bummer. I would have said st. Valentine’s Day...all about know this saint was tortured and decapitated? What love we showed him all those eons ago.

    1. Hi, Birgit. It's in part my fault for having stepped back a bit from blogland. I always appreciate your comments and contributions, though.
