Dear Sillies,
Summer's here. Oy vey.
Stay cool. Stay hot. Stay loved, because you are.
Welcome, My Sillies! Together we'll uncover morsels of sweetness in the light and dark. You'll crave chocolate. I'm a naughty influence. {Note: I avoid Hershey's but partake in regular fixes of fair trade and organic varieties.} Please enjoy a ravenous sampling, and may you fast become addicted. Cheers to all things sweet. That, Dear Sillies, includes you.
Dear Sillies,
Summer's here. Oy vey.
Stay cool. Stay hot. Stay loved, because you are.
There's our Janie Junebug, owned by Franklin and Penelope - We all love this Junebug's saucy wit and heartfelt hilarity.
Johnny Cash married June Carter and they made beautiful music together.
Have a pleasant June and please find ways to beat the heat. My favorite way is ice-cream or gelato with chocolate, of course. What's yours?
Does another June come to mind?
Happy June, my dear Sillies!
As I'd mentioned, I had a big Book Launch and Variety Show this past weekend. To see my writing play out, literally, in heartfelt and wacky ways--uniquely rewarding.
This couple portrayed me and JT. (We meet at the end of InSanity.) Incidentally, we performed on the final weekend of The Lab (a bar and grill) where we met in real life almost exactly one year ago. (I know. Unbelievable.) And since I wrote the script, I chose this gorgeous, young, talented, TALL couple to portray us. He's "Guy Nickologist." She's "Robyn 5.0 Butmuchtaller."
A great crew of multi-talented friends pitched in. We had a blast. I sold 15-20 books too.
My message, that we're all sane and insane, so let's just be kind to each other, was well received.
Please consider giving InSanity a read, if you haven't. Only $3 for the ebook. I'm striving to send its message in bigger and more emphatic ways for all time.
Go gently, my dears, and keep a smile.