Dear Silliest of Sillies,
It's May! We all know what that means. Yeah, it's time to polish up the ole May pole, remove a few layers, and go wild.
Or just take time to smell a lovely rose.

Welcome, My Sillies! Together we'll uncover morsels of sweetness in the light and dark. You'll crave chocolate. I'm a naughty influence. {Note: I avoid Hershey's but partake in regular fixes of fair trade and organic varieties.} Please enjoy a ravenous sampling, and may you fast become addicted. Cheers to all things sweet. That, Dear Sillies, includes you.
Dear Silliest of Sillies,
Grinning here. And wondering whether your energy will cause the male to cry mayday on May Day...
ReplyDeleteHaha. I like to think I've made the male cry every month of the year, EC. Smiles.
DeleteBe well, friend.
Robyn Engel? The girl knows her May Poles, that's all I can say.
ReplyDeleteHahaha. You're always good for giving me a good laugh, Debra. Thank you.
DeleteI tried smelling a Rose. But she slapped me.
ReplyDeleteAl, you really shouldn't have gotten so close to Rosie O'Donnell. Are you okay?? Smiles.
DeleteT-shirt... Says 'May pole' with a big arrow pointing down.
ReplyDeleteHaha. A man with confidence!
DeleteWhat a wonderfully phallic holiday!
ReplyDeleteIt does have all the ingredients, Elizabeth, starting with that girthy erect pole. Cheers.
DeleteA whole year? I can't wait that long...
ReplyDeleteHaha. There's no limit on the number of times you can do the May Pole dance in private, Alex. I suggest at least once a week.
DeleteIf I tied a pretty ribbon around hubby's pole, he would not be very happy since it might be painful. He would also look at me like I took too much meth
ReplyDeleteLol. The key, Birgit, is to NOT cut off blood circulation. Also, don't be too high on meth; that never goes well.
DeleteI'll never think of May Day the same going forward. Oh my oh my. What color should one use to dress their partners maypole with...I mean surely there must be a special color.
ReplyDeleteI suggest perhaps a pink, fleshy color, Sandy. Smiles.
DeleteI'm late to the party, but I have no doubt the pole is still erect. Oh you just heat up the month with your May Pole salute. Cheers and tacos, my friends.
ReplyDeleteIt's still standing, Joanne. Cheers and tacos to you. Smiles.
DeleteDear Robyn, as longtime philologist I must admit there is a marked similarity between two adjectives regarding May Poles: Fallacious and Phallicious, depending on whether the dance is conducted during day or night. In the interest of avoiding psychological trauma, all children and people my age (72+) should be sent home before sundown.
ReplyDeleteI think that's a wise cut-off, Geo. Did I write "cut-off"? I don't mean that it's only for phallicious Jews. No. For all those 72+ who've long since partaken in fallacious activity, or for all innocents under 7.2 years of age. Thank you for helping me sort through this. Virtual hugs, silly friend.
DeleteWell that will get the blood pumping. Happy May.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope so, Mary. Cheers and happy May!