InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year, 2024! Horsing Around

Dear Silly Lovies,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May your joys far outweigh your struggles this year. And may you not forget the value of laughter, the sublime feeling of biting into a divine piece of chewy chocolate, or the thrill of mixing in some naughty.

I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Los Angeles, wherein loving family resides. On my way home, I had to try Marianne's garlic chocolate ice cream in Gilroy, the garlic capital of the world. 

Both flavors are strong, yet they work together harmoniously. Marianne did this right. It was yummy and gone very quickly.

Also on the way home, I stopped to eat Chinese food. The placemat informed me that the year I was born, 1966, is the year of the Horse. 

Let's see, this presumably makes me: 
Popular and attractive to the opposite sex. - Yes, the ones who haven't seen my morning face. 
Often ostentatious - Yes, but not purposefully.
and impatient - Yes, purposefully.
I need people - We all do, and I need most people to leave me alone. 
I'm to Marry a Tiger or a Dog early - I'm not a morning person. See above regarding opposite sex.
but never a Rat. - I married a Snake, purposely, but he was also an ostentatious Rat and an impatient Boar. I needed him to leave me alone. Divorce ensued.

Any other Horses out there?

More love and all kinds of goodness to you for this New Year!


  1. I’m a horse, too. The opposite sex? Big deal! I wonder if I would like chocolate and garlic.

    1. Hahaha. You don't care how handsome I think you are. Try chocolate-garlic if you can find any.
      Happy New Year!

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry I didn't include the personality traits. Do you know if you fit them? Bark, bark.

  3. Happy New Year, Robyn! I hope 2024 is your best year yet! I don't know about garlic-chocolate as a flavour, but I'll take your word for it. I'm a Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac. My favourite (paraphrased) description of a Rooster's characteristics is -- "You annoy people because you think you're always right, but the maddening thing is that you usually are."

    1. It's true. You're usually right, Debra. Wait, not true. You're ALWAYS right! We won't mention this to HRH.
      Happy New Year!

  4. Garlic and icecream? Brave woman. I like the first and can mostly take or leave the second.
    The Chinese celebrate their New Year in Early February. I am a January babe so am either a dog or a rooster. Neither are favourite animals of mine. I am definitely an early riser though.

    1. Definitely and early riser? You're the brave woman.
      Happy New Year, EC.

  5. Happy New Year, Robyn! Hard to imagine garlic and ice cream going well together, so kudos to Marianne.

    Good thing you got rid of the snake. ☺ The Chinese Zodiac says I'm a goat/sheep. Opinionated overthinker, apparently.

    I hope you have a wonderful year!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. A wonderful year to you too, my friend!

  6. I'm a rooster according to the internet. Your chart doesn't have 1969, so I had to google it.

    Garlic ice cream...hmmm. I must admit, that doesn't sound tempting.

    1. Oh I didn't even realize the chart is for youngins. Oops. It doesn't sound tempting, but it was worth a try. For me, at least. Love ya.

  7. Garlic and chocolate? Doesn't sound good...
    I'm a Ninja.
    Happy New Year!

  8. Born February 16, 1966 - I'm also a horse! And yes, very impatient.

  9. Happy New Year Robyn. Hope it's a great year for you. x :)

  10. Happy New Year! I'm a rooster which I supposed means I wake the horses before they receive a good night's sleep :)

    1. Five more minutes of sleep, please?!
      Happy New Year, rooster Jeff.

  11. Happy New Year! Cheers to horses. Bet on the ponies - I've never won, but hope you can.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Robyn. Happy to year to you too.
