InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

23andMe, Cougar Dating, The Sex Wait

 Dear Sillies,
   Remember when 23andMe was all the rage? My sister asked if I'd tried 23andMe, but I'd not yet heard of it. Thus my mind went to inappropriate terrain. Naturally. 
   I got excited and sweaty...Twenty-three AND ME? Yeah, I like the young guys. At last, a dating site for cougars. Sign me up!
   But for $199? Nah. I can work the scene on my own. Chico's a college town after-all. 
   Well, in a roundabout way, I scored a 23andMe package, and I didn't have to learn that I'm related to Vladimir Putin or anything troubling like that. It still boggles my mind that people get so excited about learning their ancestry and percentage of "Whiteness." Anyway...

   JT's clean and sober. I don't drink alcohol either. We shared sparkling water on the first night we talked. 
   He's 56, and yeah, my fantasy man is closer to 23. But compared to the geezers who are impotent or ever-complaining about their achy muscles, the ones who told me it hurts their rib cage or "You've pressing on my balls" when cuddling, well, JT's just the right amount of alpha male for my taste.
   "We'll take it slow," he'd said when we started to date. "I don't want to rush into a sexual relationship again."
   "No, it's fine, I understand." No guy ever told me they wanted to wait. Is he for real? But then, I worried..."Um, how long do you want to wait?" I've done too much celibacy.
   "I don't know, maybe two weeks, or a month or something." 
   Phew. I didn't push back or bring it up (no pun intended). (Or pun intended?)

   Two days after that first night, I called JT. 
   "Great to hear from you," he said. "I'm heading for dinner to celebrate my sobriety birthday. It's 23 years today."
   "Wow, that's awesome. Congratulations." Wait, 23? 23? 23! 23 and Me! I like it. 
   A few more dates and JT confessed to "thinking impure thoughts" about me, when alone at night.
   A week or so later, he decided that "We don't have to wait any more."
   I agreed.  JT's every move and gesture was and seems intentional, thoughtful, and loving. It was a wonderful night. He's a darn good, solid man. 
   I got my 23andMe, and I like it. 
   Still holding my breath, smiling too.


  1. "You're pressing on my balls".
    Are you busy tomorrow night?

    1. HAHAHAHA!! Best comment ever.
      And I'll ask JT if he's okay loaning me out.;~)

      Thanks for making me laugh, Mike.

  2. At least he didn't make you wait.

    Thanks, I had no idea what 23andMe was.

    1. Maybe it's more popular on the West Coast, Diane? I never understood its popularity.

  3. Wonderful. I will cross my fingers and toes that this trend continues. Here's to 23,000 more wonderful nights to come.

  4. Replies
    1. Aw, thank you, friend. Please keep enjoying your vacay.

  5. Replies
    1. Well, not quite that epic, but it's always a good time around here. Thank you, RR.

  6. Yay! (I was trying for something a little more original, but my brain seems to have stopped doing words today!)

    1. No worries. It's hard to always be original in every comment we make. I'll take a "Yay" any day, or night. ;-)

  7. Yay. I'll just continue the trend

  8. This does sound promising. Then again so did some of the others. Sober is a very good thing. Married one that wasn't and it was a big mistake. Very happy for impure thoughts as they are some of the best thoughts out there.

    1. I agree. I was very happy that he was having impure thoughts about me, and that he told me so. Next, we just "had to" act on them.
      And it really doesn't work to be in long-term relationship with an alcoholic - not without sucking your soul, heart, brain and spirit. Sigh. Sorry, Jono.

  9. That's awesome. Sounds like things re going well.

  10. Looks like we both got what we recently wanted girl! Me and Lumbersexual finally ended our cat and mouse it was worth the wait.

  11. Well, congrats on not waiting any longer. I see nothing wrong with impure thoughts. I have them all the time.

    1. Right? Those impure thoughts are the best kind of thoughts to have.
      Thanks, balanced a.f.

  12. If he's been sober for 23 years, that means he discovered his issues in his 30s and that's a good thing. May you find companionship.

    1. Yes, Jeff, he's done the hard work involved in the 12-steps. It makes him so much more insightful and communicative than any other man I've known. Thank goodness. (I've done that work too, but through writing).
      Thank you.

  13. Oh, no, that's concerning. Please don't use my blog as a life instructional manual. I don't need the competition.

  14. Hope it is going well and no more don’t deserve that.

  15. Aww I LOVE it!! Signs are everywhere, you just have to open your mind to see them ;) So happy for you :)

  16. Aw, thank you, Birgit and Yvonne.
    Sorry for this extended delay in responding. I sometimes don't catch all responses until I put together a comment collage for my blog. xx
