Dear Sillies,
I went away last week, and I returned this week.
My love bug nephew in So Cal (the chocolate-smudged cutie in the right side-bar of this page) had his big day. Finally.
Jeremy turned 13 just as news of COVID broke. His big day was thus canceled, rescheduled, canceled, and re-scheduled again. In the meantime, his 14th Birthday went by.
His last living grandparent, now 91, had a big health scare and went from her nursing home to the hospital. She pushed through and attended his Bar Mitzvah this past weekend. Approximately 70 people did, including me.
With only three weeks to learn and re-learn the service -- we got news about the temple's tenuous future, so the family had to plan quickly-- he led the service eloquently. I was and still am k'velling (boasting, expressing pride).
When did he grow to be so tall?! I look up to him even more than it appears here. He's more resilient,compassionate, patient, and mature than me. He's also very clever and witty.
In his speech, Jeremy thanked his parents for "giving me the freedom and opportunities to choose my own spiritual path." He's chosen both Judaism and Christianity. We're all very proud.
If you're wondering, the proper greeting for an event like this is "Mazel Tov." This means "congratulations."
Thank you, and I love you, my dears.