InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarantine in Chico: Pandemic Pick-Me-Ups

Dear Sillies,

How are you holding up?
Are you walking these days? I am. A lot.

This sidewalk chalk art is adorably cute, but the showers are just now starting. I'm not as excited about walking in the rain. I hope it doesn't wash away these pick-me-ups:

A home in Chico welcomes strangers to enjoy their rose garden.

And I did. This is the backyard! Gorgeous, right? And so trusting of the home owner/s.

More Springtime gifts.

Thank you for joining me.
Keep a smile.
Stay safe.
Stay silly.
Be loved. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Alex.
      The most frustrating thing about wearing it was that I couldn't communicate via smiling. So I fixed that.

  2. sounds like the Chico spirit shines through with sidewalk art, sharing roses, and your smile - on the mask, and we know behind the mask. You smile with your eyes and no doubt make anyone you greet feel better. We walk around our block and it's quite a friendly atmosphere. All positive (well, except for that pandemic thing). Take care my friend - dodge the raindrops.

    1. Thank you, hon. Yes, let's keep it positive and dodge the raindrops.
      Stay well.

  3. Love you mask and your glasses!

    1. Thank you, Jeff.
      Silliness helps diminish the lousiness of it all.
      Take good care.

  4. Love your masked self. And would have been tempted to camp in that rose garden. I wonder who the owners would have coped with that...
    Feel free to send your rain this way. As always we need it.

    1. Oh I know. I'm trying to push the rain away. I suppose we need it too, but not nearly as desperately as you.

      That backyard? Yeah. It's heavenly. I'd love to camp out there.

  5. Glad to see the pandemic hasn't dimmed your beautiful smile and that you still delight in stopping to smell the roses!

  6. Haha, such a great mask! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  7. It hasn't been warm enough here most days to enjoy a decent walk! Hopefully that will change this week.

    1. Yeah, it's too cold for my liking. But I'm eating too much to stop my walking routine. The weather's changing quickly, so hopefully it will.
      Take good care.

  8. Great mask and gorgeous garden! Or is it great garden and gorgeous mask...

    1. It's actually great and gorgeous garden, Mitchell.
      Silly mask too.
      Love ya.

  9. Am I the only sick bunny who saw this art and immediately thought of butts, nuts and boobs? Writing this..I am one sick f#’c&. I love your mask and love that these people opened up their backyard so one can smell the roses

    1. Bwahaha! Yes, indeed you are, Birgit. That's why we love you! I could do a whole post on this comment alone.
      You're the best.
      Keep us laughing.

  10. I hope you're well, dear babe. Keep those red curls flying...and by the way, one of the more luscious roses would look just right, nestled behind your sweet ear.

    1. What a sweetie you are, Margaret. I feel gifted every time you drop by with loving words.
      May you be well, beautiful lady.

      PS I'm often tempted to pick and wear the roses, but there are lots of thorns and buggies on them.

  11. I love your backyard. And your mask.

    1. Thank you. I wish it was mine. I don't even have a backyard, but that one is a nice do-able walk from my home.
      Be well and safe.

  12. Oddly enough many townspeople, including myself, are doing a lot of walking. At least we get to socialize from an appropriate distance when we meet. We're all excited now that spring is here. It hasn't snowed since Sunday!

    1. Thank goodness for you. So glad spring has sprung there.

      Virtual hugs.

  13. How nice of those homeowners! We're trying to do as much walking as we can but the weather has not always been cooperative. Your mask...hahaha! I love it. So cute.

    1. Thanks, Martha. I know, right? The weather doesn't listen. I've tied giving it a time out too, but -- sigh.
      Take care.

  14. haha always smiling that way. Some great little things people are doing indeed.

  15. How lovely that they share their rose garden. That's a nice way to make the world a brighter place. You make the world a brighter place too. Thanks for sharing this upbeat post. Love your mask and your smile. :)

    1. I so appreciate you saying that. I try. We all try. It's all we can do -- try to keep our own spirits up and raise those of others'. Your poetry serves that purpose well, Connie.

    2. Oops, I think I didn't need that apostrophe, did I? It's a weirdly worded sentence, but you get the sentiment. =)

  16. Love your facemask, Robyn. I wear one too but find it uncomfortable and annoying. Maybe, if we're going to have new viruses like covfefe-19, we should start breathing through some other hole.

    1. Good point, Geo. Let's see, what would be another option? Ewww! Ha. You're a clever, resourceful man.
      Be safe and well, friend.

    2. You stay safe too, my beautiful friend.
