InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

California Wildfires and Now

My Dear Silly, Caring Dears,

How are you? Please be be safe and able to smile. 

I'm fine, as are my loved ones in L.A. They're inhaling toxic air, of course. Some areas in which I used to work or play, and scores of homes, were completely charred. Lives lost. It's beyond imaginable. Right? I don't think I'll begin to absorb the devastation until I'm next in Los Angeles. 

What can we do but hunker down, appreciate our blessings, offer assistance when we're ready and able, share love and healing vibes? Afterall, the only thing we can count on is the present moment. 

That said, I'd written Now in 2012 for my first book, Just the Right Time. A dear friend, Dee Dee Vest, had long ago asked for some of my poetry to perhaps turn into song. As a surprise that brought me to tears, she sang this* publicly on the very same day that I'd learned about the Bidwell Mansion Fire. Thus, my words revisited me in magical form, when I sorely needed the message. 

*Sorry if you can't view this because you're not on Facebook. I wish I knew how to share it a different way. (Ugh, I dislike supporting Z-berg's empire.)

The very lovely, talented, and kind Robin Mead provided her stunning artwork for that book. Here's Now

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Missing Dick, Dick Collage, New Year's Eve Sentiment

My Dear Sillies,

Here we are again with a "How the heck did this happen?!" I won't wish you one that's "Happy," because that feels empty and silly. We're looking towards a lot of unknowns and challenges. Yet that's life, right? We'll still laugh and love and eat chocolate. Right? (Unless you're allergic, in which case, you'll eat what brings you good feels.) So have a New Year that's filled with sparkly moments of joy and heart warming awe.

I love you.

I miss Dick, though. I really do. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

More Naughty than Nice, Santa Erotica and More

It's almost time, my dear Sillies! Oy vey. 

I'll be mostly absent here during the holiday week--when Christmas and Hanukah collide. Yippee for Christmasukah this year!

Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, cheerful Hanukah, peaceful Kwanzaa...

Keep chocolate on hand for emergencies and non-emergencies, especially during the holidays. Love you!

Second, a bit of Jewish schooling from me to you:

Jewish babes make great lovers, so they say of me and others.

Most don't require diamonds or roses.

In the throes of passion, though, know this: 

Guys should comply with impulsive outcries of 

"Go down Moses!"

PS I'm just kidding, Mike. Don't take me seriously. (I do require roses and will settle for small-to-mid-sized diamonds.)