InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Trump Slammed by Xifaxan and Martha Stewart's X-Rated Fantasy Kit

Late breaking news: CNN just announced that Donald Trump's bowels are irritating and irritable, yet extremely liberal regarding movement in gender neutral bathrooms. When interviewed at a unisex urinal somewhere in DC, an anonymous source close to Trump stated this: "Trump has diarrhea and abdominal pain." Clearly, folks, the Donald is challenged by IBS-D, Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea. Thus, we've very generously slammed his head-top with Xifaxan for IBS-D, rifaximin 550 mg tablets.  Will this Xifaxandoodoodoo stop Trump from being a poo-poo head? We certainly hope so.  
Speaking of irritating bowels, Martha's back!
"I'm Martha Stewart, and I like to fantasize as much as the next over-sexed *bleep* who hasn't gotten laid since the invention of the egg-beater. So I created Martha Stewart's X-Rated Fantasy Kit. This rather handy kit comes with  a dark and sultry mannequin with removable clothing and anatomically correct genitalia; a lit candle; and two voyeurs, because - really - who doesn't enjoy the thrill of exhibitionism? And now, if you'll excuse me...Martha shoves the mannequin onto the floor and pounces atop it/him. Jack Black jumps in to join the fun. Queen Elizabeth holds her 'I'm so over Commoners' glare for several hours. We won't  go into any more detail, but -yes- a sheep and small camel were involved."


  1. I knew Martha was going to get x-rated with the letter 'x.' It was simply inevitable. 2 letters to go!

  2. Replies
    1. I can't imagine how irritated his bowels must be. Right, Deb?

  3. Hi, just popping by on the AtoZ challenge
    from No190
    hope you get the winner you wish for...will it be a Trump?

  4. I get the shits just looking at those two and I've ad shits with more sense too.

  5. A clever "X" entry for Trump! And isn't EVERY entry for Martha X-rated?

  6. He definitely spews a lot of s***.

  7. The poor queen, how did she get dragged into this?

    1. You know what's ironic about the Queen, Sage? Her last name. Are you ready for this: ENGEL!! She and I are like soul sisters!

  8. Oh, smart choice, Robyn! X is a difficult one.

  9. I always suspected that Trump was full of sh**. Still, very clever strategy for the letter X.

  10. X marks the spot where camels were used inappropriately. I join the Queen in a glare. And maybe one peek. Eeeeeeewwwwe

    1. Hahaha! I love your wit around here, Joanne. Thank you. PS Lemme know what you saw. I'm too short to get the full view.

  11. Cheryl said what was on my mind in her first sentence. April is winding down fast.

  12. The sight of certain people gives me the shits.


  13. A bowel head is perfect for Trump. Best idea yet.

    1. Thanks, Stephen. It is one of my faves of the series. It's just so appropriate.

  14. Dear lovely, silly, peeps,
    It's been one heck of a month for many reasons. I've been much more delayed than usual in making rounds. Please forgive me for that. I could excuse myself, but you are always a priority, so I won't go into any of it. I'm glad we're almost to Z. I hope you're keeping a smile and stash of chocolate. I'll visit you all asap. Love and chocolate kisses.

  15. Oh Martha.....I bet you would like a good Yak as more ways than one. I think Trump is the photo image of IBS
