InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Jaggerdoo Jamboree, A-Z Challenge

It's getting stranger and stranger around here. For one, Trump's boasting a Jaggerdoo.
And Martha's so excited by the Jaggerdoo, she brought her Redneck buddies for a raucous co-ed clothing optional down 'n dirty mud-wrestling Jamboree.

Recommended side dish for this J compilation: Barbecued Tongue  
Music: Moves Like Jabba


  1. Martha is out of luck. Again. The strolling bones have their choice of young, nubile, beautiful and talented women (which I think is odd, but never mind). And none of those descriptions fit Martha any better than the Trumpet's hair fits him.

  2. Wait until the Jaggaradoo starts painting everything black.

  3. interesting photos with interesting stuff to share dear

  4. Hahahaha great Jabba video! Glad to find another who LOVES chocolate and realizes that it makes EVERYTHING better. Enjoy the rest of the A to Z Challenge.

  5. Alex, is my online blogging bud, but I have to beg to differ with him on this one... some women value the dollar far more than they do anything else in the world, so trump will have his fair share of revving until he hits 90 (or more), at least that's what I'm guessing. Unless he files bankruptcy. Oh wait... ;)

  6. Parodies rock. Both are off to a very strange start.

  7. When we took the kids to the ren faire last year, my husband made some comment about his 'moobs' so I quipped to my stepson's girlfriend, 'He's got the moobs like Jabba'. She busted up laughing. Hubby told me to shut up. hahaha He didn't know the song so he really didn't get the real joke behind it.

  8. I've never thought Mick Jagger was a particularly handsome man (even when younger), but he's downright scary-looking as an old guy.

  9. Even Wild Horses couldn't help Trump's hair!!

  10. It seems that I am always agreeing with Robin and here I am as well..Scary looking guys. But unattractive men that have wealth don't seem to be unattractive to a lot of women. If either of those guys were poor, they would be hard up for a date.

  11. Jumpin Jack won't even like that flash

  12. I'm going to ask my hairdresser for that, but I think that she would have to wear a bag over her head when people ask her what the heck happened to her client.

  13. I hope Trump learns soon that you can't always get what you want.

  14. That song is quite funny and maybe Trump is actually Jabba....he is gross.

  15. Barbecued tongue would be great if it were Trump's.

  16. My birthday is the same as Mick's, but he is a bit older. It must be Ruby Tuesday today. You know I can't always get what I want, but I can see I don't want any of Trump or Martha.

  17. She wouldn't make a good Beast of burden...

  18. Do you think Mick looks wise sitting on top of Trump's head? He seems to be the one with more gravitas.

  19. HAHAHA...a Jaggerdoo :) Does this mean we have to have sympathy for the devil?

  20. Actually, Trump looks better in that Jaggerdoo than his "regular" one. I suggest he keep it.
