InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friday Follow & Fill in the Blank


Rules: Complete this statement with as few or as many words as you like. Just don't mention Justin Bieber, and nobody gets hurt.
Happy Friday and weekend!
xo Robyn

Bloggers do it ____________________.

E.g., with visual aids.


  1. Happy Friday!! Flying from Friday Follow me.

    Bloggers do it all day long. :P

  2. Bloggers do it better?? Bloggers do what you wish you could do. I have no idea. Bloggers do it better than Nike? No idea, yo.

  3. Bloggers do it, bees do it
    Even educated fleas do it
    Let's do it, let's fall in love.

  4. Bloggers do it in the kitchen with the whole family watching.

  5. Bloggers do it without taking a shower first.

  6. Bloggers do it naked because they can

  7. Bloggers do it to in order to avoid what needs to be done.

  8. Bloggers do it until someone tells them they have to get off the computer.

  9. Bloggers do it where ever there is Wi-Fi!

  10. Bloggers do it all the time!!

  11. Bloggers do it and then tell everyone else about it!

  12. Bloggers do it usually for a short time.

  13. Bloggers do it in many creative ways.

  14. Thanks Drama Mama! I'm following you too. Yes, bloggers have stamina. :-)

    Ally, I like "what you wish you could do." Yo. Have a good weekend! xo

    GB, I wouldn't expect such romantic sentiment from you, silly ape. I find that rather endearing. [-;

    PTM, in the kitchen with an audience? That's hot and a bit strange. xo

    Harriet, thanks and happy weekend! ;-b

    Bumpkin, yes, photos worth 1000 words. xo

    Seductress, no showering first but lots of boasting..That is how we do it. Hugs! (0:

    John, I'm relieved I'm not the only blogger who does it naked because I can. Or were you just saying that because it sounds clever - meanwhile, I bared my soul (pun intended)? xo

    Marlene, that's so true. Do you think it's true for male bloggers too? ;->

    Marnie, nice sentiment. Have a great weekend. xo

    IT, very clever. Sometimes bloggers get off (topic) too. [-:

    Jessica, thanks for the visit. Happy weekend. xo

    BB, I'm laughing. We bloggers can keep going for hours on the computer. ;->

    Baygirl, wi-fi keeps bloggers doing it. True. Happy weekend. xo

    Gayle, yes, bloggers are like energizer bunnies that keep going and going.. :-)

    Blase, good thing guys like you do it for a long time. xo

    Tgo, yeah, there are so many creative ways of doing it.

    I'm impressed with all who played this little game! You did it - be it naked, in the kitchen, on or off topic..BLOGGERS DO IT THE WRITE WAY.

  15. Because we can!

    I meant "can't" relate socially with the real world, because we are so superior to others!--Nekkid--which is a leeeetttlllee more perver---sexy, than Naked!

    ;-0 How awesome is a creepy wink?


  16. Bloggers do it with color and creativity!
    Great blog! I'm a visitor from Friday Follow (No.356) and a new follower of yours. Please drop by and say hi at otherwise known as 'Tails of Terror from the Black Lagoon!', and don't worry, I'm not scary!
