InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sixteen: A Saturday Centus

In Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, we never know what we're gonna get. So I sit chewing chocolate date bars and give it a whirl. This week's challenge involves just 16 words. The assignment: an autobiographical piece about being sixteen. Yikes. Those weren't the days...Join us if you like and please visit the other offerings here. Enjoy, or survive, the season - whichever is your goal.

I felt like an ugly misfit

But didn’t know why.

Now I do:

I was sixteen.

word count: 16


  1. ah, for some it's sweet 16 and for most it's gawky and awkward and filled with angst, no? Nicely done.

  2. This is great work for what's actually a pretty awkward and tough challenge. Well done Robyn.

  3. :(
    Youth is wasted on the young, for sure!!!!
    Hi Sweet Lady! Happy Saturday!
    I've missed you! I hope to get back on some sort of regular blogging schedule!
    Lots of love
    gi gi

  4. I can't imagine anyone coming up with a better solution to this challenge. Nicely done!

  5. Happy and unhappy at the same time, that is sixteen...sorry u felt out of place but look at you now....

  6. Sixteen wasn't a cherished age for me, either. Nor seventeen, eighteen...

  7. MsA, lol, I hear you.

    Rek, true. It's a mix of intense emotions.

    Stephen, aw, thanks so much!

    Gigi, I love and miss you.

    Yeamie, thanks. Take it from me, life gets better.

    Anita, absolutely. You said it. Thanks.


  8. Why does the required word count for these things keep going down? Anyway, that was remarkably poignant for just 16 words.

  9. Wow Robyn, excellent job in so few words and true to form in every 16 year old's vision of themselves !!!

  10. Great one Robyn! And so true...
    It's funny how the tables have a way of turning as we grow up!

  11. Isn't it a shame we suffered such angst for nothing?!?!

  12. “Sweet sixteen and never been kissed…”
    (Michael T.’s slobbering efforts didn’t count.)
    Those were not my best years. ;)

    We weren’t misfits – we were unique!

  13. Hindsight is 20/20, too bad we can't see any of that then.

  14. Oh yeah...the angst of a teen aged girl. I can so relate!

  15. Oh yes....that was a major 16 moment! Confidence does come with age...although now I'm feeling a bit like things are not working the way they used to :)

  16. Robyn, Have you been in my head again? Nicely put.

  17. thank you for your brilliant honesty. really well done!

  18. Thanks, all. It's so nice being understood. Those teen years really stink/stunk. If only today's youth knew how much life changes in time and how those things that seem so monumental now won't matter at all down the road.


  19. Brilliant Robyn.. and so very true..

    I sometimes think we had mirrored lives....



  20. And you were not alone, judging from a number of these Centuses.

    Well said, Robyn!


  21. Definitely not alone in those sentiments. Well constructed 16 words! Sue

  22. I think that we both could've been living scenes straight out of Mean Girls at that age. Excellent job on the centus! As they say, "you've come a long way baby!"

  23. I look at 16 year olds now and see so much more confidence and hope than there was when I was there. Would love to go back with the assurance I have now.

  24. Most would identify with that. Nice write :)

  25. I'm flattered that you wrote my biography for this SC!


    Those were tough years!

    Hope your holidays continue to be filled with Merry and Bright!
