InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Double Decker Truck Treehouse! Sundays in my City

Unknown Mami hosts a great worldwide party on Sundays. Check it out. You'll be glad you did.

Unknown Mami

As I was cruising the streets of Northern California, with no particular destination in mind, I saw a sign for Vina. With images of pinkish fruity umbrella adorned, yet sophisticated and marginally scandalous drinks, I quickly cut the corner to find myself in Vina.

Instead of hobnobbing with the most reputable wine connoisseurs, I tried to appreciate a different experience. 

Look! It's a double decker truck treehouse! I'd like one of those. Who wouldn't?

I can't guess how old those tractors are, but I'm doubtful they still work.

Thanks for visiting Vina with me! xo Robyn
I hope you've had a safe and restful weekend.


  1. Oooooooo, are those for sale? I'll take two.

  2. Where I live, those are also known as lawn ornaments!

  3. Ha! You are really funny. I think it's cool. I wonder why they didn't use an engine block for steps, though.

  4. Double decker truck tree house huh??? And here I thought it was just a truck junk yard.

  5. Perhaps the folks that constructed that double decker had been imbibing in a bit too much vina.

  6. Wow girly, you sure do have an eye for seeing some pretty nifty things. ;)

  7. it's always cool to stumble on places like this.

  8. Oh, man--I love those strange little places. Washington and Idaho are full of them, but most places you definitely have to turn off the beaten path to find them. Doesn't it seem like there is a story there?

  9. Would you see if any are for RENT!!!! And please come by da Blog.. and Pick up a well deserved AWARD- OK?????



  10. That's so cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. If it gets me out of house work I'll stay there any time! Blessings, Joanne

  12. Robyn, Robyn, Robyn....first, you were "trolloping." Now, you're "cruising."
    I wanna party with you.

  13. I see double-decker trucks like that all the time here in grand ol' Utah.

    Just kidding.

    That is funny!

  14. Sundays in your city look like fun! I would love to eat there, too.

  15. That place looks very inviting!

  16. Stumbling upon places like that is why cameras were invented! Great photos robyn!
    you never know what you are going to find in the country or at the edges of towns. Your car or truck quits on you, just leave it in the yard...

  17. I love your SIMC posts! This one is wacky.

  18. a double decker truck tree house...I just love it! I think I could have a lot of fun with that!

  19. I want a double-decker truck tree house! That looked more fun than wine tasting!!

  20. Vina was the name of girl who lived on Talus IV in the first episode of Star Trek. The aliens with swollen heads gave her the illusion of beauty and she ended up with Captain Pike.

  21. Al, you know I'm all talk. But come on over. We'll trollop and cruise and party in the double decker truck tree house. In fact, that's an open invitation to all!

    GB, that's interesting. You're awfully smart. I wonder if Vina had a double decker tree house truck on Talus IV. Probably not.

    Thank you, friends, for checking out Vina with me. xo

  22. such funny and interesting photos!!

    thanks for sharing.

    betty xoxo

  23. Where the hell are you living girl? I am looking for the hillbillies, I know they are out there somewhere!



  24. Very cool.. i love the old rustic stuff... watch out for the dude with the shotgun! 'What you doin around here missy? You be wantin to steal me tractor?'

