InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Friday, April 22, 2011

S is for Speed Racer!

I dedicate this month-long challenge to children, with nephew Jeremy topping my list. Much thanks to the animated or more serious characters who agreed (or not) to conduct interviews this month. Sure, I had to promise them 80% of my profits, but a few are altruistic to the core. At least, that sounds good. Right? My point: Have fun reading this or doing something else. Give a child a hug today too.


Gripping a microphone, Robyn belts out in pseudo-song: Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels!

Speed crashes his Mach 5 through the supersized Whatchamacallit that graces the stage of Life by Chocolate. (It had just been restored after the Magoo fiasco.) He slams on the brakes, jumps out of the car, removes his helmet, and strikes a pose for the audience.

Robyn: Thanks so much for driving in, Speed. I've always wanted to meet you. I, well, had a crush on you since I was young. Robyn blushes.

Speed nods, jumps back into his car, and says: Gotta go. With a wave and a wink, he speeds off.

Robyn's eyes are glued to Speed, as he becomes a distant memory. Wiping her tears, she sings: He's off and flyin' as he guns the car around the track. He's jammin' down the pedal like he's never comin' back. Adventure's waitin' just ahead. Go Speed Racer! Go Speed Racer! Go Speed Racer, Go!

Tatsuo Yoshida created Speed Racer in 1967, and the character debuted in a Japanese comic book, Mach Go Go Go. Speed Racer was voiced by Katsuji Mori in Japan. Peter Fernandez edited and voiced the American version. Speed Racer originally aired from 1966-68. But he keeps going. Go Speed Racer, Go!


  1. My oldest son used to love watching Speed Racer.

  2. I was never a fan but my brother was! THis was fun to read, of course!

  3. interesting - your series is a real education, Robyn

  4. My hubby would be singing along - please tell me that you had to look up the words to that theme...

  5. Like the Brady Bunch, I was never a fan of Speed Racer. But, my brothers and my sister...? Now THERE were some die-hard Speed freaks (ooh, wait, THAT didn't sound right).

  6. Robyn, My kids LOVED Speed Racer. I would always watch it with them! Great Post!!!

  7. I never was a fan of him, but my brother still loves that show to this very day.

  8. I was totally out of the Speed Racer craze, but now I am up to date. Thanks!

  9. Laughing mom, a friend and I watched the show on video over and over til we had the theme song memorized. We were in our late 20's. I still know most of the words.

    Thanks all, for cheering on Speed. I know, Al, it doesn't sound right.


  10. That poor, poor chocolate bar. Though it will come as a great sacrifice to myself, I am willing to help pick up the pieces.

    Loved me some Speed Racer as a kid.

  11. Lovely Post...don't fret , let the speed demon race on...we always have chocolates - our true love. enjoy your weekend.

  12. Great post!

    Hope all is well in Paradise my darling!


    I have dark chocolate in the refrigerator, in case you come to Maui!

  13.! I had no idea it was THAT old.

  14. I have a vague memory of the song....that little terd, leaving you like that.

  15. I watched speed everyday after school.
