InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hang on Little Tomato!

I sense an added layer of sadness in the air, so I brought this one back. [Last posted in 10/10.]

photo by Robyn (not sure where or when)

Dear Life,

Sometimes you really suck. I mean, where's the give-and-take? Why must we always be holding on for you, dear life? Perhaps you could try holding on for us for a change. You haven't exactly been a walk in the park. Well, not unless we're talking about Central Park in the pouring rain at dusk on, say, a Monday, and I accidentally step in dog poop, and the dog owner is a creepy, smelly guy who asks me for money and a date. 

As I was saying, or about to say in my typically tacky yet eloquent and sincerely loving fashion, a lot of people I care about are holding on for you these days. For everyone who could use a pick-me-up (who can't?), I hope this helps. It's one of my favorite songs, Hang on Little Tomato by Pink Martini.  

Please hold on for 1.15 mins or so before the singing starts. It's worth it. You are worth it.

YouTube - Hang on Little Tomato


  1. Has a very old time sound to it, not that there's anything wrong with old times, heck... I was much younger then!

  2. What a wistful tune. Sadness can't be all bad if it produces songs like that.

  3. Love the song. It sounds like it came out of a forties movie. Very cool Robyn.
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Gotta watch out for that dog poop, those mutts don't bury it..hahaha...yeah life can be a pain indeed.

  5. Thanks, all.

    Yes, it has an old fashioned, nostalgic feel.

    Be well.

  6. Love it Robyn. Wishing life would hold onto us for a change is an amazing concept I have to admit I've never thought about before until now.

  7. Loved this. Loved the pictures. Ohhhh...this one made me smile! Thanks, Robyn!

  8. Have been feeling a little “tomato-ish” – wonderful song – made me smile.
    Thanks. :)

  9. This song sounds like it could've been in a Woody Allen movie. I really enjoyed it! Julie

  10. That's one of those songs that you can't help but smile when you listen to it. Perfect choice.

  11. This is why I love my Robyn sooooo much!


  12. Thanks for sharing the lovely song. never heard of it til now.

  13. Hope all is fine and you're not the little tomato...

  14. YW, thanks, friend. I'm glad you like it.

    BB, so glad to lift your spirits. It's a wonderful song, isn't it? And the pictures almost make me cry.

    Beth, keep smile and hang on!

    Julie, it does have that flavor. Happy weekend.

    Julie, yes, it's so sweet. Be well.

    Aw, John, you just make me love you more with every comment. Note: no colons (only periods) were used in this response.

    Nutshell, I'm glad to share. They're a wonderful, grass-roots, socially conscious group - not quite at the top of the top but far from being unknown.

    Sarah, thanks. I'm not real squishy these days - which is a good thing. I hope you aren't either.

    Thank you, all.

  15. What a sad song....
    Know what this needs? This....
    Life is also a breakfast cereal, board game, and defunct picture magazine.
    And the people in the game have no arms or legs. And they're pink or blue.

  16. I'm afraid you've missed the point entirely, Al. Life's a decent cereal if you add some flavor to it; you can have tons of kids in spite of having no hands - and the kids will have no hands, too!- when you play; and the magazine was kind of a snoozer.


  17. Cute yeah, keep on shuffling.. life can be challenging.. even crap... but then I think... well, I could be dead already.. and that would really suck..



  18. Pretty, nostalgic song, Robin. Love the letter to life, too. Thanks for the perk me up!
    :) Have a great weekend, dear friend!!

  19. What an amazing tune. I love Pink Martini's sound. Very unique and cool.

  20. Oh, yeah, hands. I guess you don't need hands to have kids. But, those little plastic buggers don't have genitalia, either. Not that I stared. Because that would just be way creepy.

  21. Very nice lyrics...and the music touches too!

  22. Al, actually, I believe they do have genitilia, just very very miniscule (not that I'm creepy either). But size doesn't matter that much, right? -covering my mouth to hide my smirking-

    Melissa, they really are. I think they're based in Canada but do a lot of touring throughout the world.

    Dawn and Terra, I'm glad you liked it.


  23. You, my friend, are never tacky. :)
