InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Horsing Around: Sundays in My City

UnknownMami hosts a scenic worldwide party on Sundays. Visit her site to tour the world. 

Welcome to California's true North. Today, we'll appreciate horses - a majestic animal of key importance to folks around these here parts. Chico's local Horse Store, appropriately named The Horse Store, decorates its model horse every month. In February, the horse looked like this:

In March, the horse was re-decorated.
I love the spirited intent, but have you ever seen such an ugly horse-bunny?
Still, it kind of makes me want to vote for Mr. Ed for President...
This car was parked at a local gym. I respect its owner's choice in bumper stickers.

Happy Sunday, new week, and new month.
May you not fall for any April Fooler's horsing around. 
Sending good thoughts to all my blog friends embarking on the A-Z Challenge. Have fun with it. I'll be visiting.


  1. I'm glad you told me it was a horse bunny because I couldn't figure it out.

  2. That horse bunny would have scared the bejeezus out of me whenI was a little kid.

  3. Horse bunny... :) :)
    You have strange horses over there! :)

  4. I don't know about Mr. Ed for President, but I like the little frog!

  5. A horse store? Do they sell saddles and horseshoes in that store? If I were a cowboy, I'd take my horse shopping there and let it pick out a nice pair of shoes.

  6. hahaha... So funny ugly! The owner is obviously a great joker. Made me laugh. Have a great Sunday. :D

  7. This stuff seriously made me laugh Robyn, a horse bunny is genius.

  8. So hilarious. And unusual :-D (read odd) Loved the pictures. And those stickers.

  9. We have a few moose (so Canadian…) placed in various locations in the city. Crazy - but always fascinating to see what costumes they’ll be in next!

    (I was afraid of Mr. Ed.)

  10. That is a lot of fun. Gives you something to look for each month.

  11. The horse bunny is kind of cute, though at first I thought it was supposed to be a unicorn.

  12. Okay a horse bunny, that made me giggle. Hugs

  13. The horse bunny made me snicker -- not very pretty but at least seasonal. :-)

    Have a great Sunday.

  14. That's supposed to be a horse bunny? Hmmm I suppose it you look at it from a certain angle..haha

  15. Mr. Ed for president? I like it.

  16. I had to look twice at the March-horse.. Bunny? no Horse bunny! LOL

  17. Happy Sunday Robyn :)
    I was just thinking abour who to fool today!

    Mr. Ed for President.... love it!

    Sending much love
    gi gi

  18. Hey, but Mr. Ed is dead!
    Ohhhhh, now I get it. That probably wouldn't be such a bad thing, then.

  19. I think it's a cool idea. But I can see that not much goes on in little ol Chico!~Ames

  20. Would never have guessed - thought it was a Halloween mummy! Besides, why not a St Patrick's Day nice green outfit?

  21. That is one...very interesting looking horse. Did they decorate it for St Patties Day too? Boyfriend has been pulling little April Fool's Day pranks on me all morning...but I got him back good and I think now he'll stop. :)

  22. What a fun thing - - - wonder how they'll horse around in April - - -

  23. Ruth, the only reason I determined it's a horse-bunny (and I sure hope I'm right) is because of the baby bunnies sitting atop along with the puffy tail.

    Stephen, it almost scares the bejeezus out of me now.

    BLOGitse, yes we do. I gotta love this place.

    MsA, yeah, one term (or hour) of MrEd for President might get annoying. Huh? I liked him, though.

    GB, yes, I'll post pictures sometime of the horse items they sell.

    Raymonde, "funny ugly" is a great descriptive. Thanks.

    YW, it does do me proud to live in the same city as a horse-bunny.

    Vidya, thank you. Odd is right!

    Beth, do you see moose bunnies? I have a feeling Canadian costumes are easier on the eyes.

    Wayne, it's entertaining and gives good shots for Sunday posts. Thanks for stopping by.

    Tara, I thought it might be a unicorn too, but couldn't find a horn.

    Katherine, thank you and hugs back to you.

  24. StarTraci, yes, gotta give them an 'A' for effort. We won't mention the grade they get for delivery.

    Pat, and close your eyes while doing so. You'll see it more clearly.

    Laurie, I really like the slogan (Mr. Ed for President) too, though I'm backing the only competitor with human intelligence.

    MamaZen, glad you like. Thanks for stopping by.

    MamaTim, I had to look much more than twice. Thanks.

    Gigi, happy Sunday, love.

    Al, touche. Mr. Ed was (and maybe still is) a wise, predictable one.

  25. I love the valentine horse though... he looks really cool.


  26. Oh, my! That's one funny horse - bunny thingy...but Feb was better no?

  27. You're not joining A-Z? That horse was scary! What are they doing to him for April?

  28. Ames, LOL, it's true.

    Maggie, good point. A St. Patty's horse would've been more appealing, or less unappealing.

    BabySis, see above. They should have. Glad you got bf back. Watch your back, though. He's a sly one.

    Yvonne, I agree.

    Keetha, we shall see, and I'll post the pics to prove it.

    Molly and Helena, the V-horse is much prettier. They did right by February. Thank you for dropping by.

    Beth, it was difficult to decide to opt out. I've got too much on my plate. X, Q and Z did me in last year.


  29. Is the horse bunny single? I'm sure he's a good listener, and we know he has wonderful taste in shoes! I'm just saying...

  30. Love that horse bunny - although it really isn't very pretty! ;)

  31. I am wondering who makes the costumes?

  32. LOL the horse bunny is a riot. I think the horse made out better in February. Cute that the change the decoration every month. I always love your Sunday posts. :)

  33. Oh Wilbur!
    I used to LOVE Mr. Ed. Can you belive it was a prime time TV hit back in the day? My, how things have changed...
    That is pretty darn cute, what they do with the horse.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hey Robyn! Be sure to stop by tomorrow...

  36. Love that bunny in July do they dress the horse in a bikini or if it's a male horse...a speedo?..... just saying;0)
    Blessings, Joanne

  37. Hi - visiting from Alex's blog... horse-bunny's a bit scary!
    Nice to meet you

  38. This is fantastic. I love the idea of a horse that is dressed up.

  39. Now that is a very unique horse-bunny! LOL! I love the bumper-stickers too. I love it when people post shots from their city!

  40. I look forward to seeing more of that horse. Can't wait to see it for Halloween.

  41. Alex, I said it before and I'll say it again, you're the best. Thanks.

    Julie, well, they are sensible shoes - if hot pink horseshoes are sensible. Hmmm... =)

    Jemi, it is pretty ugly. Isn't it?

    Terra, I'm guessing it's the owners of The Horse Store. Let's hope they don't quit their day job for a career in the fashion industry.

    Thanks, Julie. Yes, the February horse looks much more dignified.

    Pat, I know. I used to love Mr. Ed. I'm not sure why. He was pretty annoying, right? But TV's gone FAR downhill since then.

    Joanne, LOL. Good question. We shall see.

    Laura, thank you.

    Carrie, you're right. I give them credit for originality. Thanks.

    Ladysnight, glad you like it and paid a visit. Thank you.

    Marnie, it sure is unique.

    UnknownMami, now I'm looking forward to that one too.

    Thanks to my new followers, which is to also thank Alex! I especially appreciate it because I skipped the A-Z Challenge this year. I'll be dropping by your blogs asap.


  42. You get horse, we get pigs in our town. And they aren't even pretty pigs.

    Coming from Alex's site today.

  43. You've got good horse sense. Had to say it. Fun post!

    Play off the Page

  44. That's pretty cool about the horse, although I like the Valentine's Day one than the Easter one.

    It's nice to meet you. You have Alex to thank for that. :)

  45. Cool blog! I found you thanks to Alex Cavanaugh's blog post today.

  46. I love that they change the horse's outfit each month - that's awesome. Although you're right, the horse-bunny is a little... strange.

    I'm also a hard-core chocolate addict, so I'm very glad Alex featured your blog.

    And now I have a craving for chocolate bunnies, so off I go to find some,

  47. Thank you all. You are very much welcomed at Life by Chocolate. I'm overwhelmed, and it's thanks to Captain Alex.

    L.Diane, too bad they don't make those pigs pretty.

    Nancy, thank you. Be well.

    Mary, yes, someone had to say it. Thank you!

    Cherie, it's hard to believe they're pics of the same horse, isn't it? Thanks.

    John, neigh and love backatcha, minus the neigh. It might not feel right.

    Jen, thank you kindly. It's great to meet you too.

    Tyrean, thank you. Great to meet you here too.

    Jocelyn, yeah, those delectable looking chocolate bunnies are not hard to find these days. I hope your enjoying some right now.


  48. what a fun post!!
    thanks for sharing:)
    enjoyed seeing that horse dressed up/

    lovely photos, too.

