InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Thanks to the Rebels, Enjoy Labor Day (Repost)

Glenn-David, Jonathan, Robyn, and Dawn Engel in our Rebel station wagon (circa 1973)

Thanks to the Rebels

Thanks to the rebels
We can vote as we choose
Assert an opinion
And read global news.

Thanks to the rebels
Women have a voice
Workers have rights
And faith is a choice.

Thanks to the rebels
Gay pride's a fun rite
Laws protect kids, and
Our President’s not White.

Thanks to the rebels
We are truly free
In so many ways 

We fail to see.

Thanks to the rebels!

Like countless others, I've faced work-place harassment time and again. Why? Because  I expressed concerns about unsafe, unsupportive, unprofessional, and/or unethical work conditions. I've rallied on the picket lines, participated for hours in labor contract negotiations,  and sat face-to-face with upper management in many meetings to defend myself or my peers. 

Our chapter didn't always win, technically. But it's a huge win to be able to fight against unfair practices. We don't know how lucky we are in the privileged world. Blessings to those who sacrificed their safety, emotional and financial well-being, and even their lives so that employees have the right to safe, fair and respectful work conditions. 

Thank you, rebels. 
Carry on, SEIU 535!
Have a nice relaxing Labor Day and new week. Happy September!   


  1. cheers to the rebels. Love the station wagon pic. Indeed, Labor Day is not about end of summer sales. It's about a fight for decent conditions and pay. The fight goes on. Enjoy the day off and continue to fight the good fight.

  2. Love your poem and it is so true. If we go back 100 years ago, child labour, horrible working conditions(Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911), women had no rights to vote, Minorities were often hounded and killed for being a different colour or race, we have come a long way. I am enjoying Labour day by watching my butt expand and not working today at all:) Freedom is a privilege and we should all be greatful

  3. Love your rebeliousnnesessessesnesses!!!

  4. Love the poem, although from the UK share your sentiments. Have a great day.

  5. Happy Labour Day to you! I was only a union member once when I worked in the TV industry in the 80s. My husband, however, used to be a Teamster and shop steward when he worked for Coca Cola. Needless to say he was a thorn in their side for years and years and they were HAPPY to see him go.

  6. I never thought much about the status of "rebel" in society but I think you're right. We do owe them a lot. Take care and Happy Labor Day.

  7. Once a union brother or sister, always a union brother or sister! Thank you, dear friends.

    JoJo, the nicest compliment I got after helping lead a big strike (we had over 95% participation), when I left the job months later, was from a manager who said that even though we sat on opposite sides of the table, she knew I was always fighting for fairness and justice.

    Now, I've been in management as much as I have in lower level positions. It doesn't matter. There's always a fight, and I'm always pro-labor.


  8. Hooray for rebels. They have, and will, made life better for many of us.
    Happy Labor Day (and spelling it that way always makes me wince).

  9. We like to fancy ourselves rebels of the blogging world, but that's nothing compared to what the REAL rebels have achieved! Cheers to the rebels (and that station wagon!).

  10. Who would have guessed that cute, curly-haired girl with cheeks I'm dying to pinch would turn into a rebel? Maybe I would have guessed it when you shouted "Hey!" after I'd pinched those cheeks!

  11. First, what a cute picture.

    Second, have you noticed that station wagons were replaced by minivans, which have been replaced by SUVs? Children born past 1975 or so will never know the joy of riding without a seatbelt in the back of a station wagon. Ah... good times.

    Third, well... I don't have third. Happy Labor Day!

  12. Well, first thank you for visiting my blog!

    I love, love, love your poem. I too have been treated terribly at work. Harassed daily, juniors given more hours and seniority meaning nothing. Now I work in a union and get paid a fair and living wage with benefits. Those who have worked longer than me get better hours and first choice in holidays, just the way it should be.

    Thanks again for visiting!

  13. Happy Labor Day, Robyn. That's a wonderful poem, and yes we owe the rebels much. Wishing you a great week ahead!

  14. The rebels help the little guy and help make the big guy cry, or lose money, which makes them cry more lol

  15. Good for you, Robyn! At least you don't sit on the fence. And thank goodness for rebels. Imagine if nobody ever fought for anything. What a terrible thing that would be. Hope you had an awesome labour day!

  16. Cheers for the Rebels! Happy Labor Day Robyn!

  17. Well said, young lady. The rebels could also be called grass roots organizers.


  18. I know how lucky we are. :) And I love the picture, I knew which one was you straight away!! My family had a station wagon too, lolol A wood paneled one, hahaha

  19. Wonderful poem for labor day. It wasn't an holiday here in New Zealand this weekend, but it was the first day of spring.

  20. Most awesome poem! I love it! You are a great rebel, indeed!

  21. Great poem and post! That Rebel is showing upon my screen as a hot, raspberry pink - was it? I thought I was the only one who grew up with a Rambler station wagon. LOL Keep up the good work, we need more people like you who will fight for what is right for the people!

  22. The only time I felt harassed was by a dude who kept leering at the girls and assuring me he defended my right to choose. Though in hindsight, not sure if that qualifies as harassment or is just one of the guys who would eventually call you for a date. That's bad. I'm bad today. Go hug a marine for me.

  23. I remember this adorable photo, as well as your meaningful poem!


  24. Love the poem, Robyn. Thank heavens for those who fought and continue to fight for our freedom. I hope you had a good Labor Day!!
