InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Silence for 9/11

All I can offer is nothing

Nothing is all I can say.

Breath viciously robbed from so many

In an incomprehensible way.

Safely detached from the horrors
I have no words to this day.
With thousands still living the nightmare

I sip warm tea in dismay.

All I can offer is silence

is all I can say.

written by me in 2011 for those who lost loved ones to the 9/11 terrorist attacks

Take care of yourselves, dear friends.
You are loved, and we have each other. 


  1. Silence is as eloquent and meaningful as many words.

  2. How can anyone forget? it's impossible.

  3. It was an awful day. The only good thing was that it showed Americans will unite.

  4. amen. Well done poem back in the day and applicable every year

  5. Moving poem, Robyn. It was such a horrific day that left us all numb.
