InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Year-end Sadness: Goodbye, Dad

                                 Gerald "Jerry" Franklin Engel, of Blessed Memory
                                                     8/1/37 - 12/16/15

Dear Friends,

As some of my Facebook contacts know, my Dad has taken his last breath. I'm preparing to join my siblings in a final "goodbye" to him, so this may be my last post of 2015. (Or maybe not. We'll see.)

My Dad, whose father was a boxer, fought with tenacity, not only in the end, but for decades and against tremendous odds. One of his favorite quotes is now one of mine, and it accurately describes him:  

"Life isn't in holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well." - Anonymous

If I could sum Dad up in one word, I'd say "chutzpah."* I like to believe I got my chutzpah from him...along with humor, laughter, playfulness, and a gift for colorful writing.

Thank you for it all and so much more, Dad.

I love and miss you always.

*chutzpah=Hebrew for spunk or nerve, in an endearing way. Note that Hebrew/Yiddish words tend to lose a lot in translation. But think of me, and you'll understand "chutzpah." 

Blog friends, have a safe, warm year's end.
Take care, and I'll be back soon.
Love to you and yours.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Robyn. He sounds like a wonderful man. And he raised such a wonderful daughter. Lots of hugs to you during this difficult time xo

  2. Oh Robyn, I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you. He sounds like a wonderful person. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. *hugs*

  3. Awe I am so very sorry Robin. It is so difficult losing a parent. I lost my Dad 2 years ago and I lost my Mom 3 months ago so I know all the emotions you are going through right now. You definitely have chutzpah, and your father will live on in you.

  4. Robyn, I'm so very sorry. Prayers for you and your family. You will definitely carry on hi chutzpah.

  5. Sorry for your loss. Wise words to live by from him indeed.

  6. That quote is "my new philosophy" as Charlie Brown's sister Sally would say. Sending love and a bit of my heart your way. My thoughts are with you and your family. I'm grateful to your father for YOU.

  7. So sorry to hear of your loss, Robyn. My condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. Those are all wonderful photos -- I especially like the one of you and your Dad dancing together.

  8. Sorry for your loss, but hope these pics and good memories keep your love for him in your heart. Take care, my friend.

  9. My heart goes out to you.

  10. Condolences from Casa Martin, and prayers for your family.

  11. So very sorry for you and your family. ((hugs))

  12. Extending my sincere condolences, Robyn.

  13. Oh Robyn.
    Hurting for you, hurting with you.

  14. We were both truly sorry to hear this, Robyn, and have you in our thoughts and prayers. We're also here if you need anything, even just to bend an ear or two.

  15. My condolences for the loss of your beloved father. Take care.

  16. They're never really gone. As long as you remember them. Okay, that's a botched paraphrase from a dopey Star Trek movie.'ll see each other again.

  17. I know how hard it is when Dad passes away. I don't think I took it very well when my dad went, so I really feel your pain here. Hang in there. I can say with confidence that it does get easier with time. Thinking of you and praying for you as you try and get through the holidays (not easy with a loss like this!).

  18. Your kindness is making me cry. And that's a good thing. Thank you. Every word and sentiment helps. Love back to you all.

  19. Hi Robyn, sorry to hear about your dad. May his chutzpah be with you forever.

    1. It's nice to see you again, Nadeemalim. I really appreciate that you commented for the sake of extending support.

  20. So sorry to hear of your loss. My sympathies, and I understand how it feels. And if you have his sense of humour it will always remind you of your dad. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas.

  21. I too, hope you'll have more memories than you even realize, to keep your Dad "embraced" in your heart! (Finding the perfect chocolate might take more time.)

    Btw, loved your 'author commentary'... love the voice too.

    Hugs for the ending of (Gregorian-LOL) 2015 - and the beginning of 2016. (You know. )


  22. Sending you the gentlest of hugs and warmest of love Robyn; I know it hurts like hell... you know how to reach me if you would like to talk. <3

  23. Condolences, Robyn, I'm glad your dad lived a long and fulfilled life. May your memories of him be with you forever.

  24. So terribly sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to those left to grieve.

  25. It is so difficult to lose a loved one especially when you just celebrated Hannukah (I know spelling??). I think he would love it that you have chutzpah which I have used since I was a kid so I understand the meaning. You have this in spades! I am certain you will honour him in the most wonderful of ways

  26. I'm so sorry for your loss, Robyn. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

  27. So sorry to hear that. I'm sure it was a full life he lived.

  28. Thank you all. He did live a full life. That fact offers some consolation.

    Be well. Love to you.

  29. Robyn, You definitely have your dad's "chutzpah," and I'm sure he was proud of your quick wit, kindness, and how hard you've worked at pursuing your dreams. Like a boxer, you've never stayed down on the count, and you've always gotten back in the ring no matter what punches life has thrown at you. Please take time for yourself, and your writing will help with the healing process. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'll be around if you need a virtual sparring partner.


  30. No matter how old we are, it's hard to lose a parent. My heart is with you at this time. This is a hole in your heart that will never be filled, but your sweet memories can help to make it better. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you today.

  31. I am so sorry for your loss! Mine has been gone for 20 years, and while time makes the loss easier, the pain never goes away. Thinking of you during this sad time, but also wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year! Take Care, Robyn!

  32. I am so sorry for your loss and know your heart must be heavy. I haven't been around much and missed this earlier (as you may remember, my dad is recovering for serious surgery). Hugs and more hugs, Robyn.

  33. Oh my goodness- I've been in such a cloud that I am just now stopping by and reading this. I am so so so sorry for this huge loss. I pray for peace , comfort, and laughter as you look back on all the fond memories. Lots of hugs and well wishes Robyn.

  34. I am sorry to hear, remember him in your heart... though he may not be here, he knows the love you have and thank you for sharing the wonderful words... peace and big hugs.


  35. Dear Robyn,

    Please accept my apologies for my late response to this sad, yet peacefully reflective news of the passing of your beloved dad.

    The love you shared emanates from your thoughtful post, dear Robyn.


    Gary xx

  36. I'm sorry, Hon. I've been out of the loop so I had not heard.
    Sending you BIG, BIG hugs!
