InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Welcome, June...Cleaver!

 Dear Sillies,
   It's June! How'd that happen?
   Please excuse my grab for low hanging fruit today (as if I never otherwise do so). Then again, I suspect Al Penwasser won't mind.
   Be well, and take care of yourselves.

    Look out for the June Bug
Urban Dictionary's top definition: June Bug ~ Little brown beetles famous for thier incesant bumping into porch lights and houses on a late spring to summer evening. Often tries to sneak into houses, either by flying right in when the door is open, or by hitching a ride on somebody's clothes like a little ninja. Harmless to humans and cannot bite. Despite thier name, they can come out as early as May. Shut that door before you let all the june bugs in!
Thunder Magus March 27, 2009

And June Cleaver, how we miss you.
RIP  Barbara Billingsley, 12/22/15-10/16/10 

  “Oh Ward, you animal. It gets me so hot and squishy when you call it intercourse.”
                      ― Benjamin R. Smith, June Cleaver Sexual Deviant

Everyone's (or just Al Penwasser's and my) favorite ~
But wait, why does he simply grin and walk away? Why does she not remember if he was too hard?


  1. Replies
    1. Not you Alex. Definitely not you.

    2. Ha. You bet I thought of Alex and Mini Alex, but those little June Bug Ninja's would be quickly defeated.

  2. SO glad to find you've reposted the disappearing Kleever gem! I've always preferred that spelling over "Cleaver" because, as a child, Beaver Cleaver suggested a tool --like in Grampa's hunting chest-- for butchering spatulate-tailed aquatic mammals living in a nearby slough. I wondered why anybody would name their son that, and still do.

    1. Afterthought on June Bugs: always thought they had three legs on each side --photo has 6, and two bodies. There's another reason not to let them inside. If they're assimilating and compiling that enthusiastically, it's only a matter of time before they're big enough to go after US!

    2. True, Geo. That's bugs look awfully destructive any time of year.

  3. June bugs would freeze their butts off here.

  4. Is THAT what a June bug looks like? Glad we don't have them in Canada.

  5. June bugs love to float in our pool. Ugh...not awesome.
    But your post is....

    1. How dare they? They can't even swim!
      Be well, Joanne. Stay cool.

  6. They look like something in a sci-fi movie!
    Happy June!

    1. I know. They're pretty small - the picture's rather horrifying. Sorry.
      Happy June, Martha.

  7. I have mentioned my horrible fear of June bugs a few times on my blog. I hate them with a passion!! When i was a kid, i was on front porch and one dived down my shirt and popped around like popcorn and scared the snot out of me!

    1. Ha. Oh no. Drats - I triggered you with this post, Holli. So sorry. Damn June bugs!

  8. June bugs sound...stupid even if they are bugs. Poor June, she just wanted to ward off any issues they had in the hanky panky dept. nyuck, nyuck

    1. Haha. June Cleaver did always want to keep that beaver happy.

      Thanks for the giggles, Birgit.

  9. Sure ugly little suckers. Think I'll stick to the bug free beaver.

    1. You're smart to play it safe, Pat. A buggy beaver ain't pretty.

    2. A bug free beaver? Well, that's the least I expect when I patronize a br...I've said too much.

    3. Rightly so. Especially when you're paying to patronize, Al.

  10. But . . . but . . . I'm a Junebug. I know I make it all into one word, but I am a Junebug. June Cleaver was the source for my Janie Junebug name. Co-workers in a doctor's office said I was the kind of person who would vacuum my house while wearing pearls and high heels. They started calling me June, which morphed into Junebug and Janie Junebug. I AM A JUNEBUG!

    Janie JUNEBUG

    1. Janie Junebug - OF COURSE! You are the one and only Junebug. It all makes sense. I should've posted a picture of you here. Why didn't I think of that?
      Love you, Janie JUNEBUG.

    2. Phew.
      We love you, our first and only Junebug.

  11. Great definition of a June bug and are you trying to give me impure thoughts for June Cleaver (I didn’t realize she’d be over 100, but then, she was playing a mom about the time i was hatched)

    1. She was an attractive lady, even in her final chapter. I'm not trying to give you impure thoughts, Sage, but if you're having them, I'll say "You're welcome." Smiles.

  12. Time is indeed flying too quickly! I could have sworn it was only recently that I saw June Cleaver in the revival of the old Beaver show.

    I don't see insects in California like I used to back in Tennessee. Of course, here we have other things weirder than the world of insects has come up with.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  13. Gotta watch out for low hanging fruit.
    Especially when stepping out of the shower.
    The struggle is real.

  14. I've heard that before but always thought it was apocryphal. This the first time I've actually heard her "...not too hard on the Beaver."
    And, Barbara has passed? Boo. And here I didn't get a card.

    1. Mine first time too, Al. Well, as far as hearing it. She didn't add "last night" and he didn't respond, but he sure has a devious grin on his face.

  15. I ran to get my pearls before reading your post, lol. Seriously I did of that when I saw your title. Cleaver you! Loved the show back in the day. HATE the June bugs, even if they are harmless.

    1. Wear those pearls with pride, my dear.
      Ha. Cleaver you too!
      Thank you.
      Happy weekend.

  16. I used to see June bugs every year when I was a kid on our back porch in late spring/early summer. I haven't seen any in years now though. I loved to watch Leave it to Beaver back then too. :)

    1. I liked the show, too. Pure, innocent TV. Those were the days.
      Thanks, Connie.
      Be well.

  17. Best line in any tv show. The question is was Eddie Haskel ever hard on the Beaver?

    1. That's the millionaire dollar question. I'm guessing, yes. What do you think?
