InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October, Barbie, Bloggy Meetup, and Rosh Hashanah

Dear Sillies,

Happy October!

I adventured a bit further north toward Oregon this past weekend. 

Can you guess the name of this fabulous milkshake I ravaged? It's called "Barbie." Oh emm gee! As yummy as it is pinkified. It's from Yaks in Mount Shasta.

 I also elated in the privilege of another face-to-face bloggy meetup. Toni and I met at the fabulous blog of the fabulous Debra She Who Seeks. We live just an hour from each other and I'd planned on stopping in her hometown, so a Starbucks date it was. She's a fun and interesting dear heart. We had a great meetup. Yay for that!  

Northern northern Cali is beautiful, my Sillies. Siskiyou County, Trinity County, Shasta County. I thoroughly basked in it -- a little hiking, a lot of inhaling of fresh pine air, and the perfect ambiance for quiet contemplation.

When nature calls, lean into it, my friends.

One more note, Happy Rosh Hashanah, year 5785, to the Jewish people! Our New Year begins this eve. 

Much love and well wishes, friends. 


  1. The meet-up looks wonderful. Love the solo photo of you, too. That pink thing ... never mind!

    1. I don't like that milkshake's name, Mitchell, but I HAD to do it. In fact, I might have to do it again sometime.
      Thank you.

  2. Cool you got to meet a blogger buddy. Northern California is like Oregon - green and beautiful.
    Prayers Israel experiences a peaceful evening.

    1. Thanks so much, Alex. Just got back from services. May our prayers be heard. Blessings.

  3. Happy Rosh Hashanah to you, Robyn! Looks like you've been enjoying life. Not sure about that Barbie shake but it's always wonderful to commune with nature. And meeting an online friend is awesome too. Shana Tovah!

  4. How wonderful that you and Toni met in another blog buddy meetup! I've enjoyed reading Toni's blog posts for many years. I wish I could have joined you both at that Starbucks!

    I like how you were all dolled up in pink for your Barbie milkshake! Have a happy Rosh Hashanah too!

    1. I could understand why you've been long time blog buds, Debra. You're very much alike in wonderful ways. Wish you could've joined us too.
      Thank you.

  5. Happy New Year! Even though I was a little disappointed I missed the Blintz Drop in Times Square, off to temple in the morning.

    1. Happy New Year, my friend. Drats, I missed the Blintz drop too. Well, next year in Times Square perhaps.

  6. Happy Rosh Hashanah to you. You need a 'Barbie' everyday.
