Like it or not, we're at 2023.
I brought you a poem, a real one this time. I hadn't written one in years. I hope you like it.
Moreover, please be good to yourselves in 2023. May life be good and gentle to you.
I love you, my Sillies.
Welcome, My Sillies! Together we'll uncover morsels of sweetness in the light and dark. You'll crave chocolate. I'm a naughty influence. {Note: I avoid Hershey's but partake in regular fixes of fair trade and organic varieties.} Please enjoy a ravenous sampling, and may you fast become addicted. Cheers to all things sweet. That, Dear Sillies, includes you.
Dear Sillies,
Spell it any way you like, Hanukah (Chanukah, Channukah, Chanukkah, Hannukah, but not Festivus) is here!
May you notice and appreciate miracles this season and in the coming year!
Dear Sillies,
Are you doing okay? I sure hope so.
Whatever your political views, we've had some exciting wins! Yippeeeee.
Halloween seems like ages ago. We had fun. JT and I won the vote (by me) for
Couple Most Unlikely to Breed (Estelle Getty and Peter Pan).
Sorry for the bad lighting. You're better off, though.
Then there's Friend Matthew Perry. He was "meh" on Friends, right? Now, only 18 sketchy months into recovery, he's getting interviews galore and uproarious attention for his memoir. I'm furious! I mean, we work hard to write well, and some of us work hard to publish books that are pretty darn worthy. Next, there's bribery and begging of family members and loved ones to make that one small purchase. Yet they'll get the left over free copies during the holidays. Otherwise, what do we do with all the ones we've failed to sell? Where's the justice? Grrr!
To be fair, I didn't read it. Like I'm gonna pick up that ****! I did see some troubling interviews about it -- troubling because his speech is slurred and he's clearly not clearly recovered. For no apparent reason, he bashes Keanu Reeves in this book, and by "bashes" I mean that he wishes him dead. Shameful!
But let's have compassion, my dears. Mr. Matthew Perry needs a girlfriend. Here's one review:
This book is basically an ad for Matthew Perry to find a wife (you have to be 5’2 and brunette) so he can hurry up and have kids before he dies (even though he has screwed over everyone he has ever dated including Julia Roberts.) He whines about being an addict, brags about being famous, rich and SOOOO funny (that last one is debatable) and seems to have a strange Oedipus complex. He asks over and over in the book why his life was spared throughout his addiction and I don’t know the answer to that, but it certainly wasn’t to write this book.
Don't waste your time, my friends, on this book, not that you were going to. You're too bright for that nonsense.
Love you.
Dear Sillies,
It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween.
Have you seen Bernie Sanders? I seem to have scared him away. Drats.
Have a tantalizing Halloween!
Dear Sillies,
Look, I grew!
We adventured to a pumpkin patch and corn maze this weekend. As you can see, I'm almost six feet tall now! Woohoo.
JT picked out some pumpkins.
He likes to be silly. I like to be silly. I like it when he likes to be silly and when he likes my silliness.
But the corn maze put us on a three-year plan. See, we didn't make it to the proper exit last year. We got out at the opposite end. This year, we ended up exiting back at the entrance - kinda not the goal. So, next year, our third, we'll strive for making it to the exit. Oy. It's not easy. But so fun! Have you successfully navigated a corn maze?
Dear Sillies,
How's October treating you? Wait, October? How did that happen?Well, Halloween's around the corner, and -hopefully- that's fun to anticipate. For now, I have another fun thing to share.
Do you have Netflix? If so, have you seen "Blonde"? It's quite heavy, but very well done. Ana de Armas does an incredible job portraying a tortured, overly objectified Marilyn Monroe.
Dear Silly Ones,
It's Rosh Hashanah, a new year for the Jewish people. I like to declare a new year for all. Always a good time to nurture and mark newness. Our mission is everyone's: to bring a more peaceful world, a healed earth. "Tikkun Olam" means just that, to heal the earth.
So, dear Sillies, Shana Tova. That is, "Happy New Year!"
Only at this time of year, you can find circular challah bread at places like Trader Joe's. The shape represents the cycle of life. And you know how the middle is the best part? Well, it's almost all middle with this one. Thus, it's almost all gone. JT and I went at it last night, and I've nearly finished it this morning. Add honey to challah bread or, more traditionally, apples; eat, and enjoy the sweetness of a new year.
Diclaimer: Forgive this half-tuchased (polite Yiddish word for "assed") rhyme. I'm rusty. Haven't written a poem in years. This is a silly, practice run. Thank you
We're old
and we've begot A LOT
We fought, got caught
We died and then
survived to press
repeat again
So hold to hope
and visions sweet
For where there's care
There's no defeat.
And heck
Love keeps us all in check!
Happy 5783
That's darn old
Or is it just me?
I'm now sipping a nice warm cup of Numi's Chocolate Rooibos organic tea. It's pretty good - rich, earthy, with hints of dark cocoa. I actually added peppermint tea to it, which improved the taste. It needs something, perhaps a bit of honey or brown sugar otherwise. I do recommend it, and I give this an 8 on a 1-10 scale.
Keep sweet thoughts and items in your life, daily.
Love you, my Sillies.
Dear Sillies,
A healthy, manageable September to you!
It's back to school time, and I'm a strong proponent of higher education. Learning is good. Learning by doing, even better. Gentle yet decisive individualized hands on guidance (between consenting adults, of course), as good as it gets.
Enjoy. Wink.
JLo dazzles in glamorous, intricately sequined, multi-colored in shimmering shades of pink and lavender accented by subtle splashes of silver diamonds, fit and sexy as ever, dance ware.
Robyn, in torn jeans and a tank top that reveals her wide and low-hanging boobies, plus newly excited nipples, strolls over to greet her while the one audience member, Ben, nods off. They shake hands.
Robyn: Sorry um, we're super casual here.
*All JLo quotes are real.*
JLo: I judge people on how they smell, not how they look.
Robyn sniffs her right underarm, realizing she forgot to use deodorant this morn. Stay away from me, girlfriend, she jokes but not really.
JLo keeps a smile. Robyn: You and Ben have been married 4 times, in the past month or so. How many times have you actually married, I mean, to different men?
JLo: I've been married three times and once was nine months and once was 11 months so I don't really count those.
Robyn: You don't count the short ones? Robyn holds up her index finger and thumb, 4 or so inches apart, bringing them closer and closer as she speaks. Girlfriend, I disregard the stunted ones too.
JLo nods. I believe in love. Robyn: Did you just make that up all by yourself?
JLo: It's a shame to call someone a 'diva' because they work harder than everybody else.
Robyn: Wait, harder than everybody else? Harder than the 18 year old barely-adult soldiers who fight on the front lines for our freedoms day and night, month after month, year after year? Harder than the single parents with three or more kids to feed and clothe and house after their spouse, who was their provider, abandoned the family to shack up with the hot, young blonde he hired to be his Robyn uses air quotes "assistant"? Harder than--
JLo blows a kiss and dances off the stage in some maneuvers that make Robyn's nipples perk up like never before.
Robyn to the audience: Wake up, Ben! You didn't re-re-remarry a smart one. But she's an incredible dancer. Damn. She's smokin', at 53 too. She smiles, Ben. Try it sometime like your wife does, and like your bestie with personality, Matt Damon. Talk about a hottie, am I right? If you want to see the real talents you married, here's a snippet. I thought you should know, Mr. J Lo. You're welcome, dude.
My Dear Sillies,
I hope this finds you feeling alright, effectively contending whatever challenges you in these tough times.Geo. said Bel Air: met Richard Kiel at the deli
counter. June, the deli-lady told him how Normal he looked and asked about
steel teeth he wore in the Bond film. "They hurt", he said.
Alex J. Cavanaugh said
Go get 'em, Robyn!!
Birgit said
A massage with the tongue is always a blessed event.
Elephant's Child said Smiling. Thank you.
said Will there be video?
G. B. Miller said Sadly, the only June I can come up
with is Pepe LePew's "romantic" grovelings: "Ahh, the moon!
Ahhh, the swoon! Ahhh, the June!"
Sandy said June also always makes me think of
Moving with Mitchell said
From the state of things currently, maybe they all should have kept it in
their pants.
Her Royal Highness said YOU STRUMPET!
Janie Junebug said My goodness! You should have warned
me I was being celebrated. I would have had more fun. Thank you. Love, Janie
Debra She Who Seeks said I must apologize for my cat and her
outrageous judginess. How she got her own email account is beyond me.
Debbie D. said Cocktails like Margaritas and Long
Island Iced Tea go well in the heat. L. Diane Wolfe said Now that was hot.
said Biting makes it more interesting. Denise Covey said And hilarious is all I can say!
jono said There are the June Taylor Dancers who
always did the overhead camera shots making them appear as geometric patterns.
Joanne said You are a rose amongst many thorns.
Mary Kirkland said It's going to be 109 here tomorrow.
Martha said That was fun, Robyn! You always make me smile.
They don't call me a STRUMPET for nothing, Martha. (Robyn said this one.)
Dear Sillies,
Apologies for this one. It's dedicated to John Hancock. His was the biggest of all.
Despite everything, I do believe we have a lot for which to be grateful. May you agree.
Happy Independence Day!
Be good. Be safe. Let the sparks fly.
Dear Sillies,
Summer's here. Oy vey.
Stay cool. Stay hot. Stay loved, because you are.
There's our Janie Junebug, owned by Franklin and Penelope - We all love this Junebug's saucy wit and heartfelt hilarity.
Johnny Cash married June Carter and they made beautiful music together.
Have a pleasant June and please find ways to beat the heat. My favorite way is ice-cream or gelato with chocolate, of course. What's yours?
Does another June come to mind?
Happy June, my dear Sillies!
As I'd mentioned, I had a big Book Launch and Variety Show this past weekend. To see my writing play out, literally, in heartfelt and wacky ways--uniquely rewarding.
This couple portrayed me and JT. (We meet at the end of InSanity.) Incidentally, we performed on the final weekend of The Lab (a bar and grill) where we met in real life almost exactly one year ago. (I know. Unbelievable.) And since I wrote the script, I chose this gorgeous, young, talented, TALL couple to portray us. He's "Guy Nickologist." She's "Robyn 5.0 Butmuchtaller."
A great crew of multi-talented friends pitched in. We had a blast. I sold 15-20 books too.
My message, that we're all sane and insane, so let's just be kind to each other, was well received.
Please consider giving InSanity a read, if you haven't. Only $3 for the ebook. I'm striving to send its message in bigger and more emphatic ways for all time.
Go gently, my dears, and keep a smile.
Hi, Dear Sillies,
I've been extra busy planning for an InSanity Variety Show and Book Launch. Woohoo. I'll forward photos as I'm able. In short (as I do everything), I've gathered 12 other talents. We'll perform comedy, music and silly skits. I'll sign and sell my book after the show. I'm pretty excited. It all goes down this weekend.
I've also been trying to figure out how to move photos from my phone to my laptop. Google made some changes, as it's ever prone to do, so I had to learn new ways. If you're seeing this rose, I'm successfully figuring this out.
Since I was a wee child, roses always fascinated me -- the layers, shades of light and color, my Bobbi (Grandma) Rose.
May this one signal your start to a meaningful, peaceful Friday and Memorial Day weekend.
Love and rosy days to you.
Dear Sillies,
I hope you're finding reason to smile these days.
Given the big trial, I sought books on Depp. I found this very nice coloring book that helps you to RELIVE your Stress! Oy. We need that like a hole in the head, am I right?
Dear Silliest of Sillies,
Dear Sillies,
Excuse me for this, but if I can't brag here, where can I brag? Besides Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat...But Musk owns Twitter now, and I'm on #TeamJohnnyDepp, so this will get interesting. Musk and Heard had an alleged affair, and he gave her a Tesla AFTER he bugged it. OMG, do I really eat up this tabloid drama? Clearly, I do. I'm not well in the head. But that's a given. Even strangers know it.