InSanity~Normalize, Don't Stigmatize Mentall Illness.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy Chanukah! May the Miracles Commence!

My Dear Sillies,
   I haven't been in the holiday spirit, but after Al Penwasser (Psst, he's back!) wished me a Happy Hanukah, I dug up my Hanukah miscellany. Tonight's the first night. 
   Fire feels incredibly ugly, though, being as it murdered Paradise. The thought of creating it did not sit well. 
   As I went through the motions, though, I was calmed by the flame's beauty (on a small, non-inferno scale, of course). 
   This holiday marks a celebration of miracles, of good conquering evil, of lights, of all that shines with resilience and optimism. There's no shortage of miracles surrounding me/us. So yeah, it was important and even healing to light the candles tonight.
   Let the miracles commence!    
   Happy Hanukah! Spell it any which way; you can't go wrong unless you double up on vowels. 
   May you savor at least one precious miracle in the week ahead.
Love and light to you and yours. 

PS Have you had potato latkes? Mmmm, so good!



  1. A very happy miracle laden Chanukah/Hanukah to you dear Robyn. And may the year to come follow suit.

  2. Hopefully a miracle filled week is had at your pad.

    1. That would be wonderful. At this rate, I'll take a mundane week - that'd feel miraculous.
      Thanks, Pat.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes. In the scheme of things, healing would be miraculous. Thank you, Diane.

  4. As the world's oldest man I remember when they invented fire. i said it was awesome stuff, but you need to be careful. Things happen, you know? It was the same with gunpowder and electricity and now you kids and your nuclear stuff. You need to be careful and figure out who is going to clean up the mess!
    All we can do is help each other survive and cope and hold on to each other when we can. Miracles can happen.

    1. Words of wisdom.
      Don't play with fire, Jono - unless you're making s'mores. In that case, kindly send me some.

  5. indeed, old rituals can bring peace and reflection. Miracles do occur, even tiny ones every day. Take care my friend.

  6. Happy Hanukah, Robyn! Unfortunately I've never had potato latkes. Hopefully one day!

    1. You won't regret it. They are delicious.
      Thanks, Martha.

  7. Happy Happy Hanukah!! I've had potato latkes when I was working in Chicago a few years back. They were wonderful!!!

    1. Yes they are. I like to douse mine in sour cream and apple sauce too.

  8. I'm gonna make some latkes tonight. Chappy Chanukkah!!

  9. Certainly, this country and the world could use a few miracles of light. And Happy Hanukah! :-)

    1. Northern Cal could too.
      Thank you, Roland.
      You take care.

  10. The return of the holidays reminds us that, no matter how devastatingly bad the past (twelve months, especially) has been, the peace and love they bring endures. Not sure if I'm getting my point across all that elegantly, but there you are.
    And potato latkes rock!

    1. Perfectly stated, Al, and not just the part about potato latkes. Thank you.

  11. Had to laugh when you said spell it any way you choose. I had, just yesterday asked a Fitbit Friend of mine who's Jewish what the correct spelling was, said she didn't think there was one. I learned from asking her some questions about the lighting of the candles. Most interesting. Happy...however it's spelled to you and yours.

    1. She's right. You can't really go wrong unless you REALLY go wrong in trying to spell it. Glad you learned about the tradition. It's a fun one.
      Thank you, Sandy.

  12. I tried my hand at potato latkes a few years ago when Chanukah fell on Christmas Day and my stepson's ex girlfriend is Jewish. They came out so-so (tasty but not structurally sound)....she was touched and appreciated the gesture though. Have a peaceful and blessed Chanukah Robyn. Maybe you can find a menorah that uses lightbulbs or tea lights.

    1. Well, I'm impressed you made them from scratch, JoJo. That's a task. It's a challenge to keep them together. (If you buy the box mix at a grocery store and toss in a few onion shards, they look homemade. Fried in grease, they're almost as good as the homemade.)

  13. We are all ready for some miracles. Me cooking latkes would be the first, but I would happily eat some if any appeared before me.

    1. I'm still waiting on Fishducky's leftovers, Wilma. We'll see if she comes through. =)

  14. Happy However-You-Spell-It! And I mean that sincerely in spite of the wisecrack.

    1. Thanks, Silver.
      I hope this pre-holiday season is treating you well.

  15. Happy Hanukkah, Robyn. Can you tell me the difference between spelling it with an "H" and a "C"

    May your light burn brightly and for a long time.

    1. I think that, with a "c," Sage, it gives the word more of a traditional sounds. You kind of add some phlegm and spit to the start. It's my preferred spelling and pronunciation.
      Thank you for the warm sentiment.

  16. I love watching a flame as it burns from a candle for I find that very soothing, perhaps that's one of the reasons I like writing by candlelight.

    1. It does bring tranquility. I admire you for writing by candlelight.
      Thank you, Lon.

  17. Happy Hanukkah, Robyn! Wishing you much love and light and many miracles.

  18. Are Happy Hanukkah hugs allowed? If so, I'm sending you bounties of them!

  19. Popping back in to say hi, waving and hoping you're doing well. No doubt you're very busy with your holiday.
